Monday, December 5, 2011

going to grandma's

After the wedding we drove down to Southern Utah to visit my maternal grandparents. We caravaned down and my parents graciously agreed to let Wilbur ride in their car. It felt a bit strange to not have Will in our car, but it was kind of nice too. He is going through a stage where is he is better behaved for pretty much anybody besides his parents.

We got to Hurricane Sunday evening. We enjoyed visiting with my Grandparents for a few hours and eating some pizza and Klondike bars. Klondikes are a family fave, so if you don't like them, keep your opinion to yourself please. :)

The next morning started by checking out Uncle Steve's new place. Uncle Steve became Will's lifelong friend after giving him some Matchbox cars and a 'copter.

Will has played with them every day since we got home.

We also went out to breakfast and Will thought he'd try to reduce the bill by vacuuming. Didn't work, but the waitress did give him a cookie for his trouble.

After we ate we spent some more time at G & G's visiting and attempting to get some good pictures.

Four generations of mothers and daughters.

The group. We are missing Jill, Emily & Matt, and Andrew.

We had a fun time in Hurricane. It makes me happy that at least two of my kids get to meet some of their great-grandparents. All of my great-grandparents passed away before I was born.

1 comment:

Michelle C said...

Such great pictures. I love the 4 generation one!