Sunday, December 11, 2011

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

Christmas is extra magical for our family this year, thank you Thomas William John. Although technically his third Christmas, this is the first Christmas he really gets things. He loves trees and lights and snowmen. His enthusiasm is contagious, and Tony and I have discussed how much more special Christmas feels to us this year too.

"Lights on!" "Wow!" and "Pitty," (pretty) are some of the first things he says each morning.

Not all aspects of Christmas are exciting to Will. He is still learning to love Santa. A few weeks ago we were eating lunch at Chick-fil-A and a giant cow dressed up as Santa appeared and started greeting the child patrons. I don't think I will forget the look of horror that crossed Will's face as he spied the Santa and grabbed Anthony's arm anytime soon. Actually, most of the kids didn't look too excited to see the cow Santa. It was a good 7 feet tall and didn't talk. Maybe a marketing fail?

Here we are visiting Santa at our ward Christmas party. Lauren sat on Santa's lap while Will collected both of their candy canes. He wasn't pleased when I made him come back for a family picture with the jolly old elf.

We're not too worried about Will's Santa aversion. From what I've seen and heard it isn't uncommon for kids his age and it is getting better. Plus, although fun, Santa isn't the most important part of Christmas.


Susan said...

Yeah, Evaline has a fascination/fear of Santa as well. It's probably good that they are programmed to be wary of large, old, bearded men. Glad you guys are having a fun Christmas season.

Michelle C said...

I completely agree that kids make the holidays so much more magical. I love all the little things they have to say and they help us see the "little things"