Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
the final countdown
And now it's finally here. It's a good thing too, because for the past few days both kids have been flirting with the naughty list.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
scrub a dub
Hoping to save time, I attempted to simultaneously bathe my children yesterday. Because the baby tub takes up so much space in the regular tub, and that Will, he likes his space, they bathed next to each other.
For the most part, we were successful.
A less successful moment occurred right after this picture was taken. I had already asked Will to not pour water on Lauren, but he went ahead poured a cup of water on her face. We're lucky she is so easygoing because other than a few blinks, it didn't seem to faze her.
Will redeemed himself when he offered to share his letters with her.
Two clean kids, no crying, and a little bit of sharing. Sounds like a success to me.
P.S. Lauren is really starting to remind us of Will at the same age. Minus the under-eye circles. Could it be because she is a much better sleeper?

Sunday, December 11, 2011
it's beginning to look a lot like christmas
Not all aspects of Christmas are exciting to Will. He is still learning to love Santa. A few weeks ago we were eating lunch at Chick-fil-A and a giant cow dressed up as Santa appeared and started greeting the child patrons. I don't think I will forget the look of horror that crossed Will's face as he spied the Santa and grabbed Anthony's arm anytime soon. Actually, most of the kids didn't look too excited to see the cow Santa. It was a good 7 feet tall and didn't talk. Maybe a marketing fail?
Here we are visiting Santa at our ward Christmas party. Lauren sat on Santa's lap while Will collected both of their candy canes. He wasn't pleased when I made him come back for a family picture with the jolly old elf.
We're not too worried about Will's Santa aversion. From what I've seen and heard it isn't uncommon for kids his age and it is getting better. Plus, although fun, Santa isn't the most important part of Christmas.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
souper tuesday
It is so good I want everyone to try it.
And really, why is heavy cream required to make things taste good? Why can't something much healthier do the trick?
Chicken, Escarole & Rice Soup
2 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 head escarole, trimmed, washed and thinly sliced, approx. 10 cups (can use spinach)
3 14-oz. cans chicken broth
½ cup long-grain rice
¾ lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cooked and cut into small cubes
1 16-oz. can diced tomatoes (Jill recommends using Italian seasoned tomatoes and she is right, the basil and oregano make the soup taste extra savory)
black pepper to taste
Parmesan cheese
In a large pot heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onions and garlic. Sauté’ until just beginning to color, about 3 minutes. Add escarole (or spinach) and 1 can of broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the remaining 2 cans of broth and return to a simmer. Add rice and simmer for 15 minutes. Add chicken and tomatoes, return to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes more or until the rice is tender and the chicken is no longer pink in the center. Season with pepper to taste. Sprinkle parmesan cheese on top of each bowl of soup.
Oh, and in case any of you are wondering what escarole is (I had never heard of it before), it is a leafy green vegetable usually found near the Romaine lettuce or spinach.
Monday, December 5, 2011
going to grandma's
We got to Hurricane Sunday evening. We enjoyed visiting with my Grandparents for a few hours and eating some pizza and Klondike bars. Klondikes are a family fave, so if you don't like them, keep your opinion to yourself please. :)
The next morning started by checking out Uncle Steve's new place. Uncle Steve became Will's lifelong friend after giving him some Matchbox cars and a 'copter.
We also went out to breakfast and Will thought he'd try to reduce the bill by vacuuming. Didn't work, but the waitress did give him a cookie for his trouble.
After we ate we spent some more time at G & G's visiting and attempting to get some good pictures.

Friday, December 2, 2011
mr. and mrs. wilson
When Lauren was 3 weeks old we packed up our little family and headed to Utah so we could participate in my sister, Emily's wedding festivities. In the airport people would look at how small Lauren was and tell us we were brave for traveling. She isn't the reason we were brave. This was Lauren for most of our trip:
This guy gave us (much) more grief:
In his defense, our daily itineraries did not take his sleep schedules into account. Lesson learned. Respect the toddler's sleep schedule.
Emily and Matt were married on a blustery Saturday afternoon. It turned out to be much more snowy and wet and cold than any other day that week. Oh well. Their happiness brightened things up. When we got to the temple everything was warm and comfortable. It was great seeing so many friends and family members we don't get to see often. Emily made a beautiful bride, and Matt was beaming the whole time. I loved seeing them so happy. The ceremony was nice and it reminded me how blessed I am to connected to so many wonderful people.
Despite the less-than-ideal weather conditions Emily and Matt chose to brave the elements and they were rewarded with some great photos.
The above photos were taken by my cousin-in-law, Becky Reed of Ravenberg Photography. She is awesome!
Lauren stayed inside with some of my kind cousins while we took the group shots, but we had to document that she was there and that she was looking awfully cute.
Will was exhausted from all the picture taking and the fact that he didn't get a nap.
After the temple we headed to the church where they held their reception. It was in a cool old church in the Sugarhouse area. It was built back when individual ward's built their own buildings and it reminded us of a European Chateau. I am annoyed that we didn't get a picture of the outside.

Here he is serenading the bride and groom.
Will was willing to take a brief break from watching Caillou to listen to his dad. About half way through the song he said to me "all done daddy" and that he was ready for "more Caillou." Oh the love-hate relationship I have with that show.
Emily and Matt had a hot chocolate bar, which coordinated perfectly with the cold weather. Mmmmm, what I wouldn't give for a cup with andes mints mixed in right now.
The reception was bumpin'. I hardly had time to visit the photo booth.
Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson! We were honored to take part in your wedding day!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
lauren :: one month

Length: 21 3/4 inches 75%tile
Weight: 10 lbs. 9 oz. 90th %tile
We love our little Lauren. Sometimes I call her Lo-jo. Or Loey Joey. Or Lady. Or Ladybug. When Will says her name it sounds like Warren.
It is hard for me to describe her without comparing her to Will. When people ask if she is a good sleeper I think, she is compared to him. She's a better eater too. She's more content than he was/is. Do other parents of two or more have this problem?

Lauren is a very agreeable baby. She is very tolerant of Will as he is learning to be gentle. She likes to be held, but is content to sit in a swing or bouncer. She likes to lay on the ground too, but don't face her away from the action. She likes to see what is going on. And once she checks out what the rest of us are up to, she's back to sleep again. She seems to sleep a fair amount (at least...compared to Will).
Lauren is a loud sleeper. Poor girl inherited her mom's small nasal passages. She kicks and grunts a lot in her sleep too. So many times I have woken up in the night and thought she was awake, only to find her sound asleep in the pack and play.

Lauren has a small birthmark (strawberry hemangioma) on her back. She had some craddle cap in her eyebrows, but that seems to have resolved itself. Her dark blonde hair is thinning out. I've been wondering if her hair seems so much thinner because her head has grown so much, or if it is just due to falling out. She has big beautiful eyes that seem to get bluer by the day. I love it when I "catch" her gaze. She smiles occasionally and it makes me excited to see what kind of a kid she is going to be.
Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones or the holiday spirit getting to me, but I just cannot get over how blessed I am to have Lauren in my life.