Sunday, October 10, 2010

Da-da da-da da-da da

Will babbles "da-da-da-da-da-da" all the time now. We aren't exactly sure that he is talking about Tony when he says that, so I am doing my best to help him learn that Dada means Tony. In order to help him learn this, whenever he says Dada I insist that Tony address his current need. It is awesome to hear Will yell "DA-DA-DA-DA-DA" at 6:00am and to look over at Tony and say, "He wants you," and then to snuggle back into my pillow for awhile. Ahh, the sacrafices I make for my child's growth and development.


Susan said...

haha. love it. :)

Melissa said...

That's awesome!! Enjoy it while it lasts. Cecilia had been saying Dada for a while before she said Mama but the first time she did, she was crying and it hasn't stopped since. Daddy gets the fun requests and I get the dramatic ones!

The Cunninghams said...

You are such a smart woman.

Sarah said...

LOL! Great idea!!

Shannon said...

Excellent idea :) I finally caught on this last weekend. We let Ally sleep in on the weekends and have her wake us up instead of the other way around. Yesterday morning and today you'd hear her start babbling, and then pretty soon "DADA!" Now, she knows what it means at this point, but I still use the "She wants you" and Ernest goes to get her :)