Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere

We recently decided we needed some more agritourism in our lives, so we headed over to Shaake's Pumpkin Patch near Lawrence.

I love Anthony's face in this one. He looks so enthused.

We let Will pick a pumpkin, kind of. Mostly he just beat the pumpkin. Like a drum.

Nice family photo.

Pumpkin Patch 2009

What a difference a year makes. And what was I thinking posing like that for a picture? Ugh.

We had to take a picture of Will by the height chart. I wonder how tall he will be next year?

Not sure how accurate the height thing is anyway.

Me and my baby sis. I officially look "old." I think I may be in denial about my age, because I really do feel like I am about 21 or 22. What happened to the last 5 years of my life?

The boys. Sorry Mom, your eyes are closed in every picture I took. I'll need to get copies of your pictures from you so I can prove you were there too.


Emily said...

I love the photos! I must say, though, that In the photo by the height chart, Will is showing a bare midriff. Let's not make this a habit in his teen years... :)

Michelle C said...

You look great Carrie! I love your shirt. Some super cute pictures and Will is a doll. That's fun they have the height thing. You should do that every year!

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

Anthony's face is pretty good in the height one too...

Laura said...

haha Tony's face cracks me up. You do not look old! You're crazy if you think you do.

Nikki said...

Looks like fun, Carrie! Some nice agritourism. Your little sister has really grown up!