Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday is a special day

You know you are a parent when your Saturday mornings are a lot busier than your Saturday nights. Sometimes it seems like one of Will's main goals in life is to make sure we never sleep in. He must love Poor Richard and his proverbs because he has really taken the whole "early to rise" thing quite literally his entire 10 months of life. So, since we never get to sleep in anyways, we have been busy the past few Saturday mornings.

October 2nd--City of Shawnee Scarecrow Festival

This festival was awesome. Why? Because it was inexpensive, had tasty food and fun activities. We got to draw on a pumpkin and then stuff a scarecrow.

My artistic skills leave much to be desired, so I'm looking forward to the day when Will can take over for me as head family artist in a year or two. We bought some award winning-pumpkin bread to keep us energized.

It was delicious! Then we stuffed our scarecrow and brought him home just in time for General Conference and Will's morning nap. Perfect.

October 9--JDRF Walk at the Legend's

My sister, Laura, was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes 8 years ago. Each year the family members in the area participate in the KC area JDRF walk. This year, we got to attend, along with several of Laura's friends from school. It was a good time walking around the Legend's and then consuming lots of foods low in sugar. Laura's Lifesavers Rock!

October 16th--Kansas City Marathon (and 5k)

Anthony and I ran the Kansas City 5K yesterday. It wasn't exactly how I pictured it in my mind when I signed us up back in July, but it was fun. We had intended to run the half marathon, but after a series of setbacks we ended up running the 5K. I'm glad we switched. Traffic was terrible getting to the race and we ended up parking a ways away from the race and had to book it to get to the starting line of the race in time. We literally just made it. So we probably actually ran a 7K when you add in all of that pre-race craziness.

The race was really neat because you got to run through cool parts of the city. I really want to run a half marathon in the downtown area sometime because those runners got to see even more of the city.

In this picture Anthony's work is in the background. Obviously we were super concerned about our race time because we were taking pictures during the race.


The Cunninghams said...

I'm impressed with your activities! Way to get out there!

Susan said...

Congrats on the 5K. It was a great day for a run!