--Enjoying the cooler weather (especially Tony, I actually really love summer weather, minus the humidity) and being able to go for walks at all times of the day.
--Tony and I are playing co-ed softball. It's pretty fun. We've played 3 games and I am finally starting to feel confident*. So far we're 2-1. I play 2nd base and Tony is SS. It's fun to have some time where we get to hang out without worrying about Will. Thanks to my dad for watching Will while we play (our games are way past his bedtime).
(*Side note: I had a bad experience a few years ago. Tony and I went to the Trafalga batting cages with Carly & Daniel and Meredith & Steven before we moved to Springfield. We each took a turn in the cage and when my turn came I swung at and missed about 30 pitches. When I finally made contact with the ball--just contact, not an actual hit--everyone cheered. The John's are not ones for pity cheers, so I knew I must have been pretty pitiful site. I did appreciate the attempt to make me feel better though.).
--Tony is loving football season without worrying about school and looking for a job. He is doing his part to indoctrinate Will into the ways of BYU. He sings the fight song to him each game day as well as declaring our apartment Cougartown during the games. Doesn't Will look cute in his jersey?
--Will has discovered his tounge. I will glance over at him at different times during the day and he will just have his tounge hanging out. He's a little loco.
--Will is 9 months old. He has 8 teeth. He likes to read books and turn pages. He likes his mom. A lot. He likes to babble, especially da-da-da-da-da. His favorite food is applesauce. Sometimes he gives kisses. He hates naps.
--I'm keeping busy taking a class and trying to dejunk our apartment. My class is sort of a capstone of all I've the things I've learned thus far in my program. I have surprised myself a few times at how much I remember, but I've also gotten pretty rusty on a few things too. As for dejunking our apartment, we just have too much stuff and Will is proving that to me as he gets into things all the time. It is a work in progress, but it feels good to get rid of things and have (a bit) more order.
Is it really October this weekend? This past year has flown by. Even though I love summer, I always get excited for fall. Maybe because Christmas is just around the corner? It seems like there is a lot happening during the fall, so maybe we can get some more exciting posts up in the coming weeks.
Love the BYU jersey!
Love the tongue!
Love the chubby legs!
He is seriously sooo stinkin adorable! It really has gone by fast, hasn't it! And please update MORE often, so I know whats going on in your life! :)
His hair is getting so much longer. He is starting to look like a toddler rather than a baby. I am SOOOO excited to see him and you guys at Christmas.
Wow, I don't remember going to the batting cages at all- sorry for being a part of that bad experience.
I love that picture of Will sitting with his legs through the crib.
Sadie got her foot stuck through her crib slat last week during nap time and cried for about 45 minutes before I actually went up and checked on her. I am a great mom.
I love that last picture of Will! Such a cutie!
I can't believe how cute Will is!!! I am getting more and more excited for Christmas to hang out with him...and you guys.
Ryan and I play on a co-ed softball team too. It is fun to do something like this as a couple. Your little guy is getting so big but is adorable as ever.
Now if only BYU will play well enough to warrant another fan...
You look so pretty in the pic of you and Will. You both look so happy and like best buds. All the pics are just way cute, but the one of you and him is my fav for sure.
That Will is such a cutie! I love the BYU jersey. I can't believe he is 9 months old. It just goes by too quickly. Yay for you finishing up your capstone. That's awesome Carrie.
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