Monday, February 8, 2010

Splish, splash!

One of Will's favorite things is bath time.

He loves taking a bath, and because he loves it, we love it too.

He likes it when we pour water on his belly.

Sometimes he tries to drink the water.

Sometimes we add bubbles.

Note the crazy swing-head.

Check out the roundness of that belly.

Sometimes he gets really relaxed.

Note: Don't look at the following pictures if you get grossed out easily. The following pictures are kind of sick.

And this happens. Yuck.

Seriously, one of the grossest things I've ever had to clean. And what makes it even better is that we had a repeat performance tonight.

We started bathing him every night to help him relax. I guess we are doing better than we thought.


Meredith said...

YAY more pictures of Will! I LOVE the second picture on this post! He is so cute. Whoa, he has quite the belly, you must be so proud.

Emily said...

I love the strategically placed bubbles so he is modest in every picture :)

Gee WILLicker, he's a cute babe. Must be related to someone I know.. :)

Gloria said...

Oh what a cute SMILE he's got!! Great catch on camera!! He is adorable I love his little belly! :)

Sarah said...

What cute pictures! He's adorable! I can't believe how big he's getting, especially that round cute!

beks27 said...

That's so funny! Thankfully I haven't experienced that level of relaxation...(knock on wood). I wish I'd starting bathing Ellie every night sooner, because I think it really helps establish a bedtime routine so they sleep easier. Not to mention it's relaxing and gets them to sleep quicker. Way to go Carrie! Little Will is so stinkin' cute!!

Melissa said...

You gotta love bathtime! He is so cute all chillin in his bathtub. It must remind babies of the womb because I swear all babies just love the water! Good thing too cuz his momma is one red hot bathing beauty!

Carrie said...

I can't believe how much Will looks like you (except the belly :)) - so cute! We do need to get together - all this snow is making me crazy! I think that last photo could be labeled: "Chris's greatest fear." Luckily we haven't been there with Josh yet, but I'm sure it is only a matter of time.

Susan said...

So after Tony mentioned there were pictures on the blog, I had to check it out. Gross, Will! Hopefully he stops doing it. But he is such a cute little boy! I have a blog too, but it's invite-only. If you're interested you can fb message me your email and I'll send you an invite.

Michelle C said...

He is such a sweetheart! I love his hair!