Monday, January 25, 2010

His tears are our fears

Lately there has been a lot of this (in varying degrees) at our place in the evenings:

So now my favorite time of night is when he will finally do this:

And I can look down and see this:

He's lucky I'm a sucker for his chubby checks.It's hard for me to stay frustrated for long when I see that smooshed little face cuddled up to me.


Gloria said...

sooooooo sweet! Just wait for the day or night rather when after you put him to sleep you want to go back in there and wake him up to cuddle him some more!!

Nikki said...

What a cutie! Keep up the good, patient work. It tries the nerves!

beks27 said...

Ok, your little Will is absolutley adorable!! And I just wanna kiss those cheeks! Way to hang in there with the long nights. Your family is so cute!

Melissa said...

He is so cute but they are definitely much cuter when sleeping! (esp when parents are exhausted) It was great to talk the other day. Loves!

The McCluskeys said...

My babies were horrible. It does help that they are so sweet and cute when they are not fussing. Will is absolutely perfect! And I think he looks like Uncle Laurence in a lot of the pictures.

Michelle C said...

Don't you love the squishy cheeks & lips! They're so cuddly!