Like a land-locked killer whale, finally free to move about as he pleased, Will surprised us yesterday evening with a talent we did not know he had, and here is the video that proves it, even though you can do anything digital these days. You have my word, this has not been doctored:
The proud mama and papa flash Will's sign: each finger represents the points of the "W". Will actually does this.
(Programming note: Due to technical difficulties we have been unable to upload the video to the blog. We will try to upload it later on tonight and tomorrow until perhaps our funnest family moment is shared with you all!)
Grandma Crane got the great idea to put him on his stomach and see what he did. The first time she did it, within 10 seconds he had rolled on to his back. He did it twice more, and we videotaped the third time for everyone to see.
Bustin' movesWe also have a bunch of pictures taken by Grandma Crane that capture Will very well.
The last few days have been a real treat. As a working new father I now know how to cherish the weekend. Will and Carrie seem to be settling in to a routine since we are not moving every few days. I think that has helped him relax, and he has become much more fun to be around. I can feel the change happening for me: Before I wanted to get home from work as soon as possible to help Carrie "deal" with Will. Now I want to get home because I feel like I am missing out. Two delightful symptoms of Will's new temperament: (1) He sleeps a bit more at night and in longer stretches. (2) He has developed an intermediate scream. It is not as shrill or as painful for his throat, but it still gets the job done. We are all grateful for his developing voice modulation abilities.
Relaxing after a full night's work of rolling over
The temperature has
raised for highs today around 32 degrees. Carrie and Will went for their first stroller walk, and I called Carrie Super Mom. I love this balmy weather, and yes I am excited for spring.
Loved a few things:
1. Will's sign. We will immediately start Sadie on practicing that.
2. Your boy's got some moves!
3. Will is sleeping for longer stretches. We've had Sadie send him good sleeping vibes. Maybe that's helping. Best Cousins Unite!
Yay for Will! I love when babies start doing fun things. He is rockin. I still can't get over how cute he is, and I have to say, I think he is starting to look more like Tony, the older he gets. He is such a good mix of you two. Glad to hear you've settled in well.
I like Will's sign. And I'm glad I was there to witness his first roll over.
Fun stuff. How was the move and how's the new job? Will is rolling instantly? Wow? I hope you are all adjusting well and doing well!
His blond hair is awesome! We also love his moves and his facial expressions.
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