Sunday, February 14, 2010


Jill said...

I think I'm in love.

Gloria said...

LOVE this...just toooo cute! :)

Tina said...

Whose idea was this? This picture was so cute. I loved it.

Emily said...

Ok, I love it. But only because it's my nephew. Otherwise it would be just plain creepy.

Emily said...
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Emily said...

before people get upset with me, i would like to say i really do like this picture. 'tis funny. however, i think will's red eyes made me reconsider its cuteness. ok. i've dug myself a big enough hole.

what i'm trying to say is..i love my nephew. that's all.

Karen said...

This is adorable!

oplady said...

I love your Valentine picture of Will. He is the cutest!!

Melissa said...

that cupid has already shot me with love. He is so adorable!

Michelle C said...

I haven't looked at your blog in forever!! I LOVE that picture. The cutest thing ever!

Shelly said...

Will is the cutest little baby. He looks just like you when you were a baby. I just want to kiss those cheeks. I miss having a little baby at my house.

Anonymous said...
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