Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Looks Like We Made It

When Will's 2-month birthday rolled around I couldn't get Shania Twain's "You're Still the One*," out of my head:

Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

(Those were pretty much the only words that I thought of. And I was thinking this in a totally normal mother/son, we made it through a sometimes-rough-learning-experience-for-mom sort of way. None of the rest of the lovey-dovey lyrics apply to us. I'm not one of those creepy moms in love with her son, although I do think Will is pretty cool.)

It is hard for me to believe Will has been with us for two months. That means I have survived two months of being a mom! I had no idea being a stay at home mom could be so challenging. There have been many times (more than I would like to admit) when I didn't think I could make it one more day. Granted, I think part of it was the weather and being cooped in the house for days on end--I totally went stir crazy. Will has made me a more patient and easygoing person (I think). While being Will's mom is the hardest thing I've ever done, it is also the most rewarding. He is getting more expressive and fun every day. Anthony and I love it! And luckily for me, he gets more responsive in happy ways too (he used to just fuss, but now he kind of squawks and occasionally coos in response to things I do for him). He is starting to "talk" to us and he is gaining better control of his body. He is so attentive when he wants to be. He is a very expressive little dude, a lot of the faces he makes remind me of his dad.

To mark his 2 month "birthday" I am posting some of my current favorite Will pictures.

Will proving that girls rule and boys drool.

Here he is fresh out of the bath.

Happy after an afternoon nap in the pack and play.

He loves to stare at these teddy bears. He tries to talk to them and reaches out towards them. Sometimes he gets so excited to see them he starts to kick!

I'm not trying to be artsy with this picture. He is making a face his dad occasionally makes and I made it black and white to camouflage his dry, flaky red skin.

Oh, and here are his current stats for anyone interested in his growth:

Weight: 13 lbs. 1 oz. 77% (yes, he is getting better at eating)

Length: 23 1/2 inches 55%

*I actually thought the song was called "Looks Like We Made It," until I googled it.


Tina said...

Congratulations! He/you guys made it to his 2 month birthday, and both survived in relatively good shape! Winter babies ARE hard, because you are so cooped up (plus you moved, changed jobs, and other assorted major changes in your life!). He looks so cute -- thanks for posting the pictures. We look forward to seeing you guys in May.

beks27 said...

So so so cute! In my opinion the first couple months were the hardest. You guys are survivors!

Meredith said...

I hope you will quote that song in your next testimony meeting.
When I first read the sentence where you said he is getting more expressive, I read it as "expensive" and I thought, that is interesting -maybe he is demanding only the best baby toys.
I love the picture of him with his hands up smiling. I feel like he keeps getting cuter and cuter.

Gloria said...

What a cutie-pie!! He looks like you soo much to me! :) AND I love the expressions he makes. TOo bad you don't live closer and we could have play dates in these dark winter months!! Don't worry we've circled the mall 459434 times already this winter :)

Carly said...

I love him

Laura said...

Props to the mom and the pops! Will's pretty cute

Alicia said...

he is getting so adorable. I can't wait to meet him in May!

Nikki said...

Nice work! Those are some cute pics. I especially like the Tony face pic and he one after the bath. Oh, Shania! That's how I felt after the first 2 months, too.

Meredith said...

Will is now the background of my computer. Sadie got the boot, I got enough face time with her last week.

Unknown said...

I'm glad things are getting a little easier for you. Will's such a cutie! I love all the pics you post, and all his different expressions.

Emily said...

I LOVE the one of him in the towel. The lighting is perfect :) Also, the black and white picture. If he ever uses that look on his Aunt Emily, he'll be able to get anything he wants. Too cute ;)

Sarah said...

What a cute little guy! Congrats on surviving the first couple months - I'm sure you are great parents! The pictures are so adorable!

Rich's ScrapBlog said...

Okay.. You have the cutest baby ever! He is SOO adorable. I hope I get to see him before he walking. I want to squeeze his little cheeks and blow on his big little belly. lol I love that song too!

Tami said...

Congratulations. He is TOO cute!

The Cunninghams said...

So cute! Glad we get to hang out with you guys!