Nothing starts out a blog post like alliteration!
I pretty much checked out of my own life for last few days leading into this weekend. My wife was wonderful, and my bosses seem to understand. I had to prepare for my final comprehensive examinations for my Masters program. You're thinking: what are those like?
Well, around Christmas time me and the other victims were given 10 questions to prepare our answers for. The questions are not yes-no, but are multiple questions that wind around each other that are wrapped in a riddle confused in a conundrum. In other words, the answers are not necessarily obvious and I had to spend many hours finding in the answers in the notes that I saved from the last year and a half of graduate work. I spent hours studying my answers to the questions and the feedback I had recieved from professors regarding my answers that they had reviewed.
On Saturday I showed up and took the test on campus in a computer lab. I was given three of the questions to complete in 3 hours, lunch hour, and then 2 more questions to complete in the last two hours. It was probably the most intense five hours of my life, and made me glad that I am not moving on for more exams, more research defenses which I have heard can be much more nasty.
Being done with the exams was the best part about them. I felt quite energized and happy, and I drove to Kansas City that same night to spend the weekend with the Crane's and our friend Matt Wilson. He's going on a mission and enters the MTC Wednesday. I personally am very proud to call Matt my friend. We wish him nothing but the best on his church mission in Macon, GA.
Back to my tests- I feel somewhat confident I passed, and if I did not, Carrie informs me that she will divorce me. I told her that that did not help my nerves, and she retorted that she was just so confident in me. When I get that nervous I start to shake. It happened when I would play math Around the World in second grade. It happened when I took timed multiplications table tests in third grade (Which I dominated and bragged about). It happened in plays in high school. It happens when speak in church. It definitely happened when I asked Carrie to marry me. I can't stop shaking for awhile.
I can't wait until I enter the real world of no exams.