- Go here to view a sweet clip of Marv getting his brains fried.
- I found this CREEPY pic while searching for images from Home Alone. Makes you never want to leave your little boys unattended.
10 of my favorite things about Anthony:
10. He uses his "Tiger Strength 3000" daily to make life easier for me, whether he is carrying ALL of our groceries, my bag when I get a head ache, or putting together our furniture. And yes, the strength has been upped from 2000 to 3000.
9. He makes the best spaghetti. Since I am looking for a job right now, I make most of our meals. But spaghetti is his speciality. I always eat more than I need to when he makes it because it just tastes so good.8. He is always telling me I need to buy more things for myself. Do I really need to? No. But it is nice knowing if I do decide to splurge he (probably) won't be too upset.
7. He is a "rule nazi." I never have to worry about knowing the rules to a game or if someone is cheating because I know Anthony will let everyone know if someone is breaking a rule. I think some of us can remember Anthony starting a chant of "Cutters" at the Marriott Center last Winter when two guys cut ahead our group.
6. He is very smart. He is doing awesome in his Master's Program! Everyday he comes home excited about what he learned or did that day. He has a great Assistantship that is giving him a lot of work experience.That weekend was an adventure...finding a place to live that didn't smell like stale cigarettes, getting our rental application approved in an hour even though I don't have any income, picking up our stuff at the ABF in Strafford before it closed for the weekend, and learning our way around town, etc. The rest of my family came down Friday night and we all stayed the night at a hotel together. Saturday we went shopping to outfit our new place. We've spent more money in the past week than we've spent in the past year on a bed, couches, tables, microwave, internet paraphernalia, books, etc. I'm trying not to freak out about it, but I will feel much better once I get a job. The hunt is on...
Anthony starts classes at MSU on Monday, but this week he has had orientation things. The school is really pretty and people seem very nice. I think he is pretty excited to get started. Last night we went to a BBQ for all graduate students in the Psych department. His classmates and teachers are really cool. The highlight of the night (for Anthony) was that the department head's wife if part-Finnish and they spent half an hour talking about all things Finnish. There were two other people there with Finnish ties: a wife of one of Anthony's classmates went on a mission trip to Finland, and "another dude there" is half-Finnish. It was also a new experience for us to be around so many people drinking alcohol. Don't worry, Anthony drank two Sierra Mists and I had a Dasani and some lemonade.