Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's been a long week...

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you keep thinking it is a different day than it really is? It's really nice when you think it is Tuesday but it's really Wednesday. The week seems to go by faster. It isn't quite so nice when you feel like it is Wednesday and it is really only Tuesday...which is how I've felt all week. It has just been a looong week. We started the week of tired. Last Wednesday through Sunday we were in Utah and Idaho with the John Family for Thanksgiving. We had a great time, but due to early flights and getting ready we didn't get much sleep going into the trip. We slept in four different beds the four nights we were gone. Then, to top it all off our car started to have some problems as we pulled into town late Sunday evening (of course we were on the wrong side of town). Monday morning we took our car into the shop and we've been without a car since then. We are supposed to get it back tomorrow (but that is what they said Tuesday and Wednesday also, so I'll believe it when I see it...). Anyways, the point of this post is that all week I've felt like it was a day later than it really was and I am so excited that tomorrow is Friday. Maybe I'll finally have enough energy to unpack.

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