Friday, November 30, 2007

Well, we got our car back today. Finally. It has been a long week. In the words of Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you've got til it's gone." I don't think I've ever been as excited to see our white Ford Focus as I was today. It only cost us $930.44, so I hope it really did fix the problem. We'll see.

I thought I would add some pictures from our trip last weekend. We went to Utah to spend Thanksgiving with Anthony's family. His parents and Hillary and Matt flew out from Boston, we flew in from Springfield, and everyone else came up from Provo.

We celebrated Christmas together early at Anthony's uncle's cabin Wednesday.

Thursday we went up to Malad for Thanksgiving with the extended John family.
We stayed in Malad until Friday afternoon when we headed back to Provo for the BYU Women's Basketball game. We got sweet tickets from the dobo, Daniel Nielson, Anthony's brother in law. Daniel is a coach for the team. We stayed in Provo that night at the Maxfield's (Meredith & Steven) apartment.

The next day went to the BYU-Utah football game. We had so much fun. Seriously, I don't remember the last time I saw Anthony get so excited. We had to switch seats though because there was a Ute fan next to us and he was getting under Anthony's skin. I got to see Jill & Emily at the game too. Nothing brings families together like BYU sports. After the game we saw Dan in Real life and had Costa Vida for dinner. Both were really good. We also watched part of the BYU-UNC Men's Basketball game and the KU-Mizzou Football game.

We spent the night at Grammie and Bobpa's and the next morning got up early for our flight back to KC.

It was so fun to see everyone. Thanks for making our trip so great. I already miss everyone. I'm already trying to think of an excuse to visit again.


marquita chiquita said...

Looks like you a had a tiring but fun Thanksgiving! That is so cool you were able to go to the BYU football game. I always get so nervous about the whole BYU and UTE rivalry!

anyhow, how is school and work going?

Anonymous said...

was that really joni mitchell that sang that song first? she always makes me think of love actually.
it was fun to see you guys at the game.
and now i want costa vida.