Wednesday, July 18, 2007

rivalry week update

Well, the Red Sox got creamed last night, and there is no one I would rather lose to than the Royals, though if losing to a team meant that the Yankees didn't make the playoffs that loss would also be very sweet. Currently the Royals look poised to win the series and are winning 6-5 in the final inning, but I still hold out hope. The pesky Royals are not as bad as people think, and I am glad to be jumping on their bandwagon now.

We just got to the library after having a delicious dinner with Grandadio and Grandmamere. I apologize to those in the know from the Crane family, but I am not sure I know how to spell those, and Carrie stepped out for awhile. We went to the Golden Corral, and I am stuffed to the brim with food. For those of you that are wondering, in Finnish I would say that I am "tupaten taynna", which being interpreted literally means that I have jammed so much food in me that there is not a bit of air left in there. I think it is a good phrase. I remember a conversation of mine where sisters of mine claimed that Sizzler is better than Golden Corral, but I would have to give my endorsement to the GC. Dinner and discussion were tasty and fun. It is always fun to see family. Carrie and I hope to visit St. George before we go to Missouri if we can find the time.

We thought that we had found a place to live today in Springfield, but alas it may be too far away. It is four miles away from campus, and I fear that that may be a little far to bike. Carrie brought up a good point today: It's not the distance that is the problem. It is the distance plus the bad weather of torrential rain or winter cold that will be tough. I guess I agree. But we still may rent there because the price is right and we will have the A/C, pool, and internet that we need, which is rare in Springfield.

By the time I finished this entry I have found out that Octavio Dotel shut down the Red Sox so that the Royals won the series 2-1. I held out hope because just a few years ago Matthew and I went to a game where Kevin Millar hit a walk-off homerun off him, and that was before his career-altering shoulder surgery. sigh.

Anyone who has reactions to my comments about the Royals-Red Sox feud, Folden Corral, or biking distance- your feedback is welcome! Make comments and let your voice be heard.


Emily said...

i would have to say that folden--or should i say Golden--corral is and will always be better than sizzler.

and it is always a smart idea to have AC in the midwest. hands down.

i miss you guys.

Jill said...

carrie, your hair looks short in the pic, and i like it! chin length should maybe be in your future. and tony, the royals bandwagon is a lonely bandwagon. we welcome you.