We didn't take any pictures this week, so I will try and compensate with entertaining stories what you will suffer in visual boredom.
It is ridiculously hot, and it has been all week. We decided to get slurpies from 7-11 on 7/11, a tradition unlike any other. Much to our dismay we learned that the 7-11 on 5th north is under new management which means that all the slurpies now cost significantly more. This only matters because they ran out of the free celebratory cups that they were using earlier in the day.
Yesterday Carrie and I went to Seven Peaks for awhile in the afternoon and then we went to Carrabba's, an Italian restaurant where Carrie got a gift certificate from her employers. Since it was not our money we were high rollers for the night. We got cheese sticks. Matthew would have been proud. Also for Matt- Carrie got a question right watching VH1's World Series of Pop Culture because the answer was Weird Al's "White and Nerdy". We both ordered main dishes and finished off the night with dessert, "chocolate dream". Then we went to F.Y.E. because Carrie had another gift certificate there from her boss. We bought 13 going on 30 which we will watch together later on tonight, and we read the ultimate Harry Potter VII spoiler book, which in about 100 pages went over every possible plot twist and important event, and even made predictions for what would happen in the upcoming book.
At this point it is worth mentioning that I had never read Harry Potter until Carrie and I checked out a Potter #3 on tape for a drive to Kansas City last summer. As usual, Carrie influences my life for good.
I ended the night by working a night shift at my job. Again, I will take pictures some time of the guys that I work with and maybe even get some action shots. They are funny.
I was reminded today that the church has somehow lost record that I ever recieved the Melchizedek Priesthood. Do not be alarmed. i do have it. I got it my freshman year at BYU, but the stake clerk then clearly didn't process the needed paperwork, though I did go on a mission the next year. Somehow somewhere the information was lost, and I don't know all the pertinent information. It would be nice to get that all straightened out before we move to Missouri. I can't remember the name of my bishop or my stake or ward numbers from 99-00, but I guess that was a while ago.
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