Sunday, September 17, 2023

2023 :: week 37

September 10
Sunday Tony and I taught our recently rebranded "Living & Sharing the Gospel" class. We are using the updated Preach My Gospel manual as a guide. This week we taught about putting on the armor of God as it relates to the use of technology. Pictured here you can see youth walking on a "balance beam." We were trying to illustrate the principle that you are more likely to "stumble" when you look down at your feet as you walk, as opposed to looking ahead at a focal point (we taped a picture of Christ on the wall). You are also able to walk faster looking up than down. Technology is here to stay, it is important for everyone to learn how to make it work for them and use it wisely.

September 11
Monday was a gray day. We got a lot of rain which our grass desperately needed after a long, hot August. Miles and I stopped at the library on the way home from preschool to pick up some Dog Man books I helped Elliott place on hold. Kristen and Sadie and her parents were heading out after attending a story time, and it was fun to say hello to them. Miles picked out a few DBDBs to watch this week as well as a few books. While at the library Stephanie texted to see if we wanted to meet for lunch at Costco, and while we were eating we ran into Jill and Henry. It was a fun afternoon of unexpectedly seeing several friends.

September 12
The Chick-fil-A on Metcalf is giving out free chicken sandwiches on Tuesday evenings during the month of September. I love the face Miles is making in this picture. 

September 13
Elliott, Ian, Carter and Cole enjoyed the new playground. We spent between 30-60 minutes after school playing with friends at the park, and Elliott still complains that I "never" let him have playdates. I'm grateful the kids get this time to spend time with friends, I wish they appreciated it and would count it as as playing with friends. 

September 14
Thursday evening while the big kids were at mutual and TJ was at a work dinner, the little guys and I  cashed in some of Elliott's baptism money and bought a big pack of Pokemon cards at Sam's Club. On the way home we stopped by and said hello to Memaw and Pepaw. The boys were excited to share about the recent purchase and other recent exploits.

September 15
We finally got the evaporator coil on our AC replaced. When I say it has been a long, hot month I mean it! The kids were off school and Will spent the day with the Bensons. Tyler and Mikey came over to play with Elliott and Miles in the afternoon. 

September 16
The Pink Thunder was back on the pitch for the first time in a month. They played well, despite the break. Lauren spent the afternoon with her teammate Kenzie. The rest of us watched the first half of the BYU-Arkansas game at Memaw and Pepaw's. It was a fun game, a real roller coaster of emotions. Tony and Will are feeling extra excited to go to the BYU-KU game next Saturday.

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