August 27 |
Sunday afternoon Lego build. Our kids seem to be into Legos cyclically, and right now Elliott is into Lego. This is the "Store of Everything." There is Salvy Section (hence the #13), the food, the mini zoo and the check out area.
August 28 |
After school Elliott got to go on his 8 year old birthday shopping trip with Memaw and Pepaw. He got three types of cards (basketball, baseball and football), candy and a rocket Lego set. This was Elliott's second birthday shopping trip. Nana and Papa took him to Target when they were here for his baptism. Lucky boy.
August 29 |
We took our van to Auto Doctors to get an oil change and our door handle repaired. Unfortunately they had to take the door apart to diagnose the problem, but don't have the part to fix the handle in stock, so it will be a few days until we get the van back. In the meantime I am driving Anthony to work and using the Kia to get around. Miles and I ran some post-school errands and he fell asleep on the way home. School is tiring him out!
August 30 |
Miles and the little brother crew had fun digging for cicaidas at Bluejacket after school. The little brother crew includes Hudson (Cole), Gabriel (Nicholas), Luke (Carter) and Miles. They have a mutual love for getting dirty and annoying their older brothers. In other news, the new playground equipment is completely in, now we are just waiting on the turf to be installed before the kids are able to play on the park again.
August 31 |
Lately Miles and Elliott have been swinging on the backyard swing. It made me smile to hear them sing "It's Been a Hard Day's Night," at the top of their lungs over and over.
September 1 |
Friday night Tony hosted a draft for the fantasy football league Jake started the league, but is full of friends from our stake. It is an auction league, where each team gets a set budget to acquire players for their team. There were a few tense moments when someone quickly raised the price at the last second before Tony and Will bought players, causing them to greatly overpay and blow their budgets.
September 2 |
Saturday night Will went with the Allreds to the Royals-Red Sox game. We thought about taking the family, but we spent a fair amount on baseball tickets this summer. Will wanted to go and paid for his own ticket. Will had a fun time and the cousins seemed to really enjoy having him there too. Ned Yost was inducted into the Royals Hall of Fame before the game. Several former players were there (Alex Gordon, Lorenzo Cain). They spent some time at the Outfield Experience, where Will, Arthur and Jake did the mini golf. It didn't take long after the game started for things to quickly get out of hand, starting pitcher Alec Marsh gave up a bunch of runs and the Royals were down 8-1 after the fourth inning. The Royals comeback attempts weren't enough to overcome the rough start and they finished 9-5. The Allred boys vied for Will's attention on the ride home, which made the ride home seem a little longer than usual.
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