Sunday, September 10, 2023

2023 :: week 36

September 3
Sunday evening we went to the Throssells for dessert. The Wolfs came too. The kids had so much fun eating treats and hanging out with their friends. Gretchen and Holden have motorized scooters and the kids road them to their neighborhood park and back. I would have liked to stay longer, but Tony and Will had another fantasy football draft to get back for at 9pm. 

September 4
We had a fun Labor Day. Brena's family generously invited over a bunch of us over to use their pool after Tomhawk had to close early. (On Saturday immediately after we got to the pool a family was having a water fight in the pool and they dropped their glass water bottle into the water. Because there was glass in the pool they had to close to pool early because the only way to ensure the pool is safe is to drain the entire thing.) We spent a few hours hanging out and enjoying the cool water before heading to the Howell's open house in Tonganoxie. The Howell's have been working to build their own house over the past two years and were finally able to move in the past summer. They hosted an open house for friends to come and see what they built. Their home is impressive! It was fun to run into friends we don't often see at the open house as well. In his photo Miles and Harbor O. were playing a Crocodile Hunter game with Lisa.

September 5
Tuesday afternoon Jill and her boys came over for a bit. Our washing machine is slightly larger than hers and she wanted to see if she could wash her comforter here instead of at the laundromat. It worked! While we waited for the washing she used my sewing machine to fix a few items of clothing that had ripped or needed to be rehemmed. We I enjoyed chatting with Jill while she worked and the boys played.

September 6
For the first time in my memory, KC has had bad air quality. I think it is the same Canadian wildfires that caused the bad air quality last month when we were in WV.

September 7
For the youth activity Thursday night the kids watched the Chiefs kick off the season against the Detroit Lions. Unfortunately, the Chiefs ended up losing 20-21. 

September 8
Friday morning I helped with Dudes and Donuts. While I handed out donuts Elliott and Lauren feasted in the cafeteria with their friends. Elliott sat with a few of his best buddies from the past few years--Townes (2nd grade), Carter (1st grade) and Cole (Kindergarten). 

September 9
Saturday we hit another mileage milestone on our van. In the eight years we've owned our van we have driven just over 110,000 miles. I'm very grateful for how reliable this car has been. 

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