September 17 |
This summer has been pretty dry, except for a few huge thunderstorms. So many branches come down in these types of storms. At the beginning of August during one of the storms a large tree in my friend Alexa's neighbor's yard was hit by lightening. A limb from that tree fell and landed on and ripped out the electrical meter box at the back of Alexa's house, causing the power to go out and their sump pump to stop working. They have had extensive damage to their home due to the power surge and flooding and their house is currently uninhabitable (I am grossly oversimplifying everything, but this is the general gist). On top of this their home was broken into and they had a bunch of tools, jewelry, cash and construction supplies stolen, and their insurance company is being very unhelpful. Our book club decided to put together a goody basket with gift cards to a few places for them to replace their lost things. Kate and Sang did most of the organizing and assembling, and on Sunday afternoon we brought the basket to Alexa and her family who are currently living with friends in their ward.
September 18 |
Monday afternoon my friend and former (sob) neighbor Renee called me and asked if I could pick up Gemma from preschool for her. Her van wouldn't start and her neighbors weren't home. Miles and I were happy to pick up Gemma take her home. Then Renee and I attempted to jump her van. Unfortunately we were not successful. Renee called her roadside assistance and we waited with her until they came. It turns our she needed a new axillary battery, something I didn't know existed. Even though it has only just over a week since they moved, it was good to see them again.
September 19 |
Will has an enviable metabolism. Here he is with three slices of white bread spread with nutella. Sometimes he washes it down with a cereal bowl sized serving of apple sauce.
September 20 |
Wednesday evening was the OPC PTA Restaurant Night at Chick-fil-A. We got there nice and early, and while I placed our order Miles and Elliott went to play in the play place. Almost immediately Elliott ran out to tell me that "Miles peed on the slide." Ugh! I was so annoyed. Miles waiting until threat level midnight before he stops to use the restroom is a continuing problem. (Anthony took Miles to the outside tables to eat his food while the rest of us ate inside.) Cesar, an employee at CFA was so kind to me when he cleaned up Miles' mess. He made me feel like we had done him a favor by giving him something to do. That night I went online and submitted feedback complimenting Cesar on his wonderful customer service. A few days later I received an email thanking me for my comment and gave me coupons for 2 free CFA meals and 2 free CFA kids meals.
September 21 |
Miles has some sweet friends in his class this year. He is really loving school, and has become especially fond of his classmates Olivia, Julia and Estelle. Outside recess is his favorite time of day, and pretty much the only thing he tells me about when I ask him questions about his day. When his teacher sent this picture she captioned it, "this should be in an advertisement!"
September 22
Lauren and her friends looked so cute and grown up while playing Mafia after school on Friday. I can't believe this is their last year of elementary school and of hanging out at the park after school.
September 23 |
A contingent of Cranes went to the BYU v. KU game Saturday in Lawrence. TJ took Will, Lauren and Elliott while I stayed home with Miles. There was a lot of excitement going into the game, being that it marked the first game BYU played against a Big 12 opponent since joining the Big 12. The first half of the game was pretty exciting, with BYU taking a 3 point lead into half time. Unfortunately, in the second half BYU couldn't stop KU's running QB and they ended up losing 38-27. Everyone had a fun time, but was pretty disappointed with the loss. The crowd was full of LDS people we knew from different eras of our life, and the kids and TJ especially enjoyed seeing friends.