Wednesday, April 19, 2023

2023 :: week 15

April 9
For the first time in years we were blessed with a beautiful spring Easter. We had a musical program for Sacrament Meeting, and my favorite numbers were the primary children singing, "Gethsemane," and a small group of YW (including Lauren) singing, "Beautiful Savior." We stopped at Shawnee Mission Park on the way home from church. The lighting was not good, and a few people had staked out the best spots for full-on photo shoots, so we snapped a few quick pictures and headed on our way. In the afternoon we did Easter baskets and had our family egg hunt and I made rolls to take to our family Easter dinner at my parents. 

April 10

Elliott threw up Sunday afternoon, and we thought it was possibly due to lots of junk food and staying up really late Saturday when Mark & Meredith were visiting. He stayed home with Tony while the rest of us went to my parents house for Easter dinner. When he threw up again about an hour after bedtime we thought he might be sick for real. Thankfully, that was the end of the vomit. Monday was a day off school, which was nice because Elliott could recover. He made a comfy reading nook in our front room and read the entire Who Was Jackie Robinson? book Miles got in his Easter Basket. The other kids were a little bummed they couldn't have any friends over. All week I kept waiting for someone else to get sick, but no one ever did, phew!
April 11
Tuesday was new piano day! We had 1-800-Got-Junk people out in the morning to cart away our old piano (and freezer). I was pleased that besides a bit of dust and a few random Lego pieces it was pretty clean back there. In the afternoon the piano movers delivered our new piano and Juha came over in the evening to set up the piano humidifier. 

April 12
I went for a few walks on Wednesday--one in the morning after walking with Lauren and Elliott to school, and again in the evening. I love our neighborhood in the spring. The pops of bright colors and beautiful spring weather makes me feel so optimistic. 

April 13
We are all loving the new piano! It is amazing how much better everything sounds when played on it. The kids have been practicing a lot this week to prepare for the Federation Festival this weekend. 

April 14
We had week of beautiful spring weather, but Friday was the prettiest. After school on Friday Lauren went hiking with her girl scout troop at Shawnee Mission Park. Will, Tony and I worked in the yard cleaning out the beds, preparing the garden boxes, and mowing. Will mowed most of the yard by himself! We finished just in time for a storm to blow in overnight and again Saturday afternoon.

April 15
Saturday evening Tony and I met up with our second ward dinner group gathering, this Time at Red Door Grill in Lenexa. We enjoyed getting to know Eric and Kammi B, Terry H, and Amy and Travis C better.

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