Sunday, April 2, 2023

2023 :: week 13

March 26
The young men in our ward embarked on a field trip during the second hour on Sunday. A ward member that lives a few blocks from our church building has not been able to attend church and the YM walked to their home and administered the Sacrament.

March 27
I dropped Lauren and Ashton off for honor choir Monday afternoon. I have enjoyed getting to know him better this school year and I appreciate that Lauren's circle of friends is expanding as she participates in this choir.

March 28
My friend Alayna invited me to a "Favorite Things Party" Tuesday night. This favorite things party was focused around books and each brought two copies of a book we enjoyed and we each got to go home with two new-to-us books. We also played a few book related games and ate delicious treats. Alayna is a wonderful hostess. I brought The Psychology of Money and came home with The Bookwoman's Daughter and Edenbrooke.

March 29
Finally our daffodils are beginning to bloom! The down side is that my allergies have been out of control! Poor Elliott, Miles and Will are suffering too. Wednesday evening Lauren I and went to the "Back to Camp" meeting for the girls their parents. Lauren is excited to go to Girl's Camp this year and we are excited for her! I have mostly really great memories of Girl's Camp.

March 30
Elliott had his first baseball practice of the season Thursday night. While Elliott practices with his team Anthony runs a mini practice for Miles and a few other younger siblings in the grass. Several of Elliott's friends have younger siblings Miles' age--at least three of his teammates have younger siblings that will start kindergarten Fall 2024. 

March 31
The weather Friday was all over the place, but the one consistent was wind. In the afternoon I worked to throw away a bunch of garbage from our garage and also took pictures of a few items to post on the "Buy Nothing" facebook page. We are exiting the stroller era of parenthood. At our peak we had four strollers, and now are down to one. 

April 1
Saturday afternoon I had another load of things to take to Savers. Lauren wanted to browse for a bit and we ended up making some really great finds! Several Who Was? books in great condition, a Minions memory game and some cute clothes for Lauren (including this outfit). It makes me smile seeing the 90s styles of my childhood make a comeback. Anthony flew to San Antonio for a work conference in the morning so it was just me and the kids for the next four days.


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