April 2 |
Sunday morning I wanted to get out of the house before General Conference. Especially with Tony out of town I needed the kids to burn some energy. We decided to do some urban hiking and after breakfast we drove down to the Plaza and walked around Mill Creek Park. The weather was beautiful and the park wasn't very crowded, a perfect combination for our group. Miles was excited when he saw the "blue Abraham Lincoln" on the wall. He became a big fan of Abraham Lincoln after our trip to DC last year. We arrived home with just enough time for me to take a quick shower before Conference began.
April 3 |
I got an email from the school Monday informing me that the power was out at Indian Woods, but they were working on it. A few hours later Will's friend contacted me and said that kids could go home if they'd like to and that Will would like me to pick him up. Miles and I picked him up after Miles got out of school. There were several parents in line waiting to pick up our kids when I got there, and the line doubled by the time Will came out. The school was using walkie talkies to communicate because the power was totally out and the intercom system wasn't working. In the evening I got an email that said the power was up and running and that school would be back to normal the next day.
April 4
My parents invited us over for dinner on Tuesday to help out while TJ was in San Antonio. At first I didn't think I would need the help, but by midday Tuesday I was very grateful for their offer. Dinner was simple--Costco pizza and orange slices--but what was really nice was how "normal" it all felt. My mom is feeling strong enough to walk to the door and wave goodbye like she always would before she had her stroke. I didn't realize how much I missed seeing her wave goodbye.
April 5
Soccer practice at six makes dinner time a little tricky. It is hard to eat a filling meal before you run around for 90 minutes, but then afterwards when Lauren is ravenously hungry it is a little late to eat a big meal. Breakfast for dinner feels like a good compromise.
April 6 |
It is hard to know what Miles hates the most--sleeping, going to bed, or staying in his room. Anthony or I regularly have to sit in the hallway to make sure he stays in his room and that he doesn't get out of bed and start playing with books or stuffed animals. It is a nightly battle. :(
April 7 |
Friday evening Lauren played a great game of soccer. She scored early on and played great! Lauren usually tries to diminish how well she plays and make excuses for how she scored ("the goalie wasn't paying attention"), but even she knew she played well. Lauren has turned into a pretty good soccer player, and her games are increasingly intense to watch.
April 8 |
We spent most of the day Saturday with Anthony's cousin Mark and his girlfriend Meredith. They live in California but are in the Midwest to spend time with Meredith's family in Iowa. Anthony and the boys went with the visitors to The Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, then we all met up at Joe's KC for some BBQ. In the afternoon we parted ways for some resting and chores, then got together again for dinner at our place. Back in 2009 Mark shot a "pitch" for a potential tv show starting Anthony and Mark's dad, Bob. We he didn't have the financing to take it very far, and so we never got to see the finished product. Mark found what he had put together and we got to watch it for the first time. Anthony and I have aged a lot in the last 14 years. Yikes! In the evening Mark and Anthony used the sauna with a few of the kids while I visited with Meredith and got to know her. It was a fun and exhausting day for all of us.
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