May 23 |
Fifth graders at OPC do a "Heroes Project" where they study an American Hero. The kids have to read a biography and then write a report and prepare a poster about their hero. In previous years the kids would then do a "wax musuem," at the school's spring open house. The fifth graders would dress up as their hero and memorize a 60 second speech they would give about their hero to all who stopped to listen. This year the school opted to not do an open house, so the kids recorded their speeches. Will did his report on his great-great grandfather
Harvey Fletcher.
May 24 |
Will had a baseball game Monday night and the whole family attended. Memaw, the Allreds and the Wilsons all came out to watch Will pitch. He pitched pretty well and enjoyed his "fan club."
May 25 |
We met some friends at Thompson Park on Tuesday morning. The park was recently revamped as is really nice. Elliott enjoyed swinging very high. He also had fun running through the splash pad, hence the lack of shirt and shoes in the above photo.
May 26 |
The Pink Thunder had their final game of the season on Wednesday night. They typically have games on the weekend, but this was a make-up game. After their game we stopped at an candy and ice cream shop called Sweet Caroline's. I felt like it was apropos given the name and timing (my birthday is the next day).
May 27 |
Thursday was the last day of school for the kids. As seems to be tradition, it was rainy and gray. Will and Lauren had great 3rd and 5th grade years. It started off a little rough with distance learning, but the kids and teachers really excelled in that tough situation. When they went back to in person learning at the end of October things really started to look up and they ended up having a very good year. We will miss Mrs. Dearing and Mrs. Breckenridge next year. Daphne and Nicholas came over to play for a few hours, which cheered things up.
May 28 |
Jake, Matt and I all have birthdays at the end of May. My parents treated us to ice cream at the Golden Spoon Friday evening to celebrate.
May 29 |
The Hinton family stayed with us on their way to Mississippi. The kids had a lot of fun together playing. In the morning I took Lauren and Will to my friend Sarah's home to pick the rocks out of her garden. It was hot, tedious work, but they were paid well. Jill became very good friends with Darren in Provo after Tony and I left and so at dinnertime the Allreds came over for a smashburger dinner. It was a very fun Saturday.
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