Sunday, May 9, 2021

2021 :: week 19

May 2
Miles loves sitting on the piano and "singing" along with Tony. It is clear that Miles' loves music. A funny quirk is that he only will sing along with the final note. During the day when Dad is not home he will climb up to the piano and "sing" and occasionally attempt to play himself. He does not like it if I sit down and try to play. Apparently he only likes to sing with Dad.

May 3
Elliott and Blaise have spent hours over the past few weeks swinging on the Mansingh's playset. It is easy to keep an eye on them while they were swinging because I can hear them singing and laughing from our back porch. I can also see their little heads pop up over the edge of the fence when they really get going--Elliott has gotten really good at pumping.

May 4
If you are not familiar with pinworm medicine I pray that you never need to familiarize yourself with it. We made an alarming discovery Monday night and after consulting with our pediatrician--and doing a lot of laundry--we each had to take a dose of this disgusting banana-flavored sludge.

May 5

This week both Anthony and I got our second COVID shots. I felt fine the day of (Monday), but struggled to sleep that night and definitely ran a fever on Tuesday. I felt a lot better Wednesday, but was still pretty drained. I spent a few hours relaxing on the couch with Miles while Elliott was at school. Miles had me in a tight hold, like he was afraid I was going to leave. I suppose that isn't a bad assumption being that I usually turn a show on for him when I am going to take a shower or need to get something done without his help and want him distracted. Anthony said he felt a little more tired than normal, but no other side effects. We are now two weeks from "immunity."

May 6
Lauren had another softball game Thursday night and it was awesome! She got the best hit of the night, a solid double hit just past the second basewoman. She is so blessed to be part of a fun, positive team. Her coaches do a great job of building the girls up and creating a culture of growth, and the girls are genuinely excited for each other when they succeed. Elliott and Miles love these weeknight games because they get to spend a few hours playing with their buddies while the big sisters play. Will was at practice during her game, so he wasn't able to watch.

May 7
Elliott came home from preschool with a sweet card he made me for Mother's Day. He was so excited to share it with me that he couldn't wait until Sunday. I made me smile that he knows my exact age and thinks I am special because I am in his family. 😆

May 8
Anthony and I went on a double date with the Throssells Saturday evening for the first time in over a year. We met at Grinders for dinner and then got Andy's for dessert. The weather was gorgeous and we were able to spend a lot of the evening outdoors. We never run out of things to talk about with Stephanie and Spencer and had to cut things off at 3 hours to get back to our baby-sitter. For the first time in years we have an awesome babysitter that lives within walking distance of our house and she is wonderful! We've been able to get out more consistently in the past six months than we have in years. 

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