Wednesday, May 5, 2021

2021 :: week 18

April 25
The smell of fresh lilacs wafting through the neighborhoods is something I look forward to each spring. No candle or lotion smells as good as the real thing. Anthony and I have started taking long walks at night after the kids are in bed and catching a whiff of lilacs while we are out is always a treat. I enjoy the time Anthony and I spend together, and often make a mental list of topics I want to discuss with him throughout the day. 

April 26
Miles is in a dependently independent phase, where he likes to do his own thing but know exactly where I am at all times. I can be close by in the kitchen but then walk to the bathroom and he will chase me down. When I take out the trash or go the basement I will sometimes find him frantically looking for me, even if I have only been gone about a minute. 

April 27

Lauren took this somewhat unflattering picture while I was reading to her. This week we finished Rump: The (Fairly) True Tale of Rumpelstiltskin. Lauren was pleasantly surprised by how much she enjoyed it. I have always appreciated a good retelling of a familiar story, and this one did not disappoint. Reading a chapter or two out loud to Lauren before bedtime has been a pleasant ritual for the two of us this school year.

April 28

Elliott and Blaise spent every spare moment with each other this week. Their friendship ebbs and flows, and this week it was riding high. A new step for their friendship is Elliott conquering his fear of going to Blaise's house without his siblings. Usually Blaise comes to our house, because Elliott has been nervous to walk to his house and knock on the door. Elliott is now asking me if he can go play with Blaise as soon as we eat breakfast in the morning. 

April 29

Will got to pitch in his first game Thursday night. Lauren had softball practice at the same time, so Anthony reported to me via text that he was playing well, but something seemed off. It turns out his eyes were super itchy and red and he wasn't throwing as hard as he had been at practice. Will has had really bad seasonal allergies this spring. He regularly gets a cold compress to put on his eyes after he has been outside. 

April 30

We met Stephanie and Kendall at the park after school on Friday for a picnic lunch. The weather was gorgeous and it felt nice to do something "normal." 

May 1

Saturday was a busy day of sports for Lauren. She had her first softball game in the morning, followed by a soccer game in the afternoon. She played well in both. In between her games Will had a baseball practice at the opposite end of town, Anthony had a church errand to run and we needed to fit in a Miles nap. I had to write everything down on paper and assign tasks to Anthony and I so we could divide and conquer to get everyone where they needed to be at the right time. As a family of six I fear this is only the beginning of very busy Saturdays.

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