February 21 |
On Sunday I got an email with a 40% coupon code from Blurb, the company I use to print out book each year. I decided to kick things into gear and get things finished by Thursday to take advantage of the savings. I got woefully behind on our blog last year. Thankfully I keep a daily planner/journal that I use to I jot things down, especially things I know I want to write about. The pictures for each week were chosen throughout the year when I backed up the pictures from my phone, usually on Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon. It was a lot of work, but I got it done! I am excited to get the new book in a few weeks. Working on the book reminded me how very blessed I am.
February 22 |
I finally hung the Brown Bear wall art above Miles' crib. He loves looking at them! I made a decade ago for Will's room when we lived at Aspen Lodge. I never hung them up in his room when we moved here and found them a few months ago when Lauren and I were cleaning out her closet. Looking at this photo helped me realize that the round push pins I used to hang the pictures caused some of them to tilt, so I have since bought straight nails to rehang them.
February 23 |
Will had complained of a headache for the past few days, so when he asked to stay home Tuesday to get some extra rest I let him. It is very out of character for him to stay home and voluntarily take a nap. After his nap he walked with me and the little guys to the park. We have started walking to the park somewhere between one and three times a day. The weather has been gorgeous and it is the perfect length for Miles to burn some energy and see the world.
February 24 |
I got warm fuzzies looking out the window and seeing Elliott jumping on the trampoline with Blaise and Luke Wednesday afternoon. February has been such a long cold month, but the sunshine seems here to stay, at least for the next week. By the end of the day all of the snow in our yard was melted.
February 25 |
Stephanie and I took the kids to Emerald City on Thursday morning. It was the first time we have taken the kids in over a year! They have limited slots and everyone was wearing a mask, so we felt pretty safe. The kids had a blast! Miles had never been somewhere so fun. He kept running from place to place. Emerald City is a gymnastics academy--Lauren briefly did gymnastics there last year before covid shut everything down. The gym has an indoor playground, trampolines, rope swings and a foam pit, rings, slides and a zipline.
February 26 |
We hosted a small celebration for Dana's 85th birthday Friday evening! Because Dana doesn't eat sugar we sang to her over a plate full of berries. Dana has become such a good friend over the past year. She is a great conversationalist, and can converse on a variety of topics. She is thoughtful, helpful and generous. She pays attention to what is going on in the lives of people around her and is proactive about reaching out. I am moved when I think of some of the acts of kindness she did for us while she lived with us.
February 27 |
My dad came over Saturday morning and helped me build a box for our garden. In the next week or so we will haul in a bunch of fresh soil and fertilizer. We have a few theories as to why, but the soil in this part of our yard is fairly poor. I am hoping that bringing in new soil will rejuvenate our garden situation. Elliott fell off our swing while we were measuring the boards, and has scratches across his face that look similar to Anakin Skywalker before he falls to the dark side.
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