Friday, March 19, 2021

2021 :: week 11

March 7

Will made this Lego creation before church. This Sunday marks the third time that Will has passed the Sacrament. Because of his late birthday he is the youngest Deacon in our ward (and probably one of the youngest in the entire church!). He takes his responsibility seriously and does a really good job. He is a great example to his younger siblings. He is a lot like his dad--smart, sensitive, spiritual, clever and multi-talented--probably why I like them both so much. Our ward also reimplemented second hour meetings at church this week. We are the last ward in the building and are able utilize the entire building to spread out. Will attended the youth Sunday School class for kids not yet in high school while the younger three kids attended family Sunday School with me. If we are going to make it next week we are going to need more snacks!

March 8

About six weeks ago I ordered a bunch of knock off Star Wars Lego minifigs for Elliott off of ebay and on Monday they finally arrived. I knew I was taking a gamble when I ordered them, but figured it was worth it if it worked out. Elliott loves to play with the Star Wars minifigs that we have, but many of the guys he wants are not available in the sets that are currently being sold. When I looked into buying some of the retired sets most were crazy-expensive.

March 9
Tuesday was a big day for Miles. In the morning we had our first in-home appointment with Infant Toddler Services (before now we have done phone calls and zoom). Chloe and Stacy came and spent time getting to know Miles a bit better. We set a few goals and I am feeling more optimistic about his speech than I have in awhile. In the afternoon he had his two year well-child checkup where we found out that he had gained weight and went up percentiles--yay! He is now 25.5 pounds and in the 19th percentile. 

March 10
The gang is back together again! Wednesday evening marked the first practice of the Spring 2021 season for the Pink Thunder. The girls picked up where they left off and had a great practice, despite the high winds. We also found out that this season EVERTY game will be on Saturday. We are so thankful for awesome Coach Luke who does his best to accommodate our no-Sunday preference. 

March 11

Elliott and Miles know how to pander to their audience--me!--especially when they want to distract me from the fact that theydidn't tidy up the balls like I asked them to. Elliott yells, "brother hug!" and Miles runs over and joins him in a big bear hug. 

March 12
One of my goals for the week was to clean out my desk drawer. I can really only work on it when Miles is in bed because he wants to touch everything. After I put him down for his nap I cleared out the drawer and got to work. I had saved so many receipts. I am trying to get better about that. In true, if you give a mouse a cookie... fashion, I ended up organizing files in the office and did a little work in our craft closet too. 

March 13

Lauren and I had some fun girl time Saturday. Our first stop was at the library where she checked out as many books as would fit in her bag. She found a shelf full of Thea Stilton books that she previously did not know existed. Thea books are her current guilty pleasure reads. Our next stop was Hobby Lobby. Felt was on sale for 50% off, so she stocked up. After she got her felt we walked next door to the Dollar Tree where she bought some Twix Bars and Gummy Bears. She reminds me so much of myself at the same age. I have vivid memories of laying on my bed and reading books when I was in fourth grade and making friendship bracelets with embroidery floss.

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