March 14 |
When we were driving him Sunday evening we saw three coyotes on the grassy knoll at the exit of 69 Highway and 103rd Street. This is not the first time we have seen a coyote in that location, though we had never seen three at once. In other wildlife news, Will saw Snowy--the white squirrel that lives in our tree--was snatched by a bird of prey from our front yard this week. Thankfully she was able to jump to safety, because we have grown attached to her.
March 15 |
Lauren has been hard at work making bunnies to sell for Easter decorations. She has perfected her pattern and assemblage. I think she has learned a lot making these. She has been forced to be patient, adapt and work through frustrations.
March 16 |
I caught these two monkeys jumping on the bed after naptime. One of the monkeys should know better, but he was making Miles so happy I let it slide. Miles seems to think Elliott's bed is very fun because he climbs on it regularly.
March 17 |
It was a very chilly and wet week. Usually Will is outside shooting hoops and running around with our neighbor Curran after school. This week it rained so much our yard is saturated. Will was happy to fill his time with Fortnite and Rocket League.
March 18 |
Miles was not in the mood to take an abbreviated walk Thursday morning. The rain finally stopped but it was cold and windy! I wanted to cut things short, but Miles had enough energy for the three of us. He found Elliott’s old Daniel Tiger hat and put it on for our walk.
March 19 |
One of the ways that Lauren is like her dad is that she is very enthusiastic about things she loves. You don't have to spend much time with Tony to know he loves Finland and he has invited almost everyone we know to use our sauna. Currently Lauren is very into crafting with felt. She has hyped it up so much that she now has friends wanting to get in on the fun. Friday the kids did not have school and Lauren and I picked up Daphne and visited the craft store to help Daphne buy supplies to make felt decorations and stuffed animals too. Lauren insisted on taking her so she could lead to to the "right" supplies.
March 20 |
We decided to mark the first day of spring with a morning of yard work and an evening walk around the Plaza. We picked up sticks, cleaned the leaves that had blown into bushes (the most tedious of all the tasks) and raked the leaves and debris that had accumulated against the fence and in the corners of our yard. We parked at the Plaza and planned to get some ice cream at Coldstone but the line was LONG! The lines were long at every food and dining establishment on the Plaza. The kids humored me and took a picture with Amy, one of the Plaza Bunnies. We walked to the grounds of the Nelson Atkins in hopes of walking in the glass maze, but alas it was closed. We played for a bit on the lawn before returning to our car. Miles would yell, "up!" to Anthony in the hopes that Anthony would toss him up in the air. Because we promised the kids ice cream we stopped at Hy-Vee and let each kid pick out an ice cream of their own. It was a beautiful day after a week of cold and rain.
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