November 15
When I was going through my camera roll I found this selfie that the boys took after church Sunday. I can't get over how old and like "one of the guys" Miles looks. We joke all the time that Miles identifies as a 12-year-old, because he does. He 100% thinks he is just as big as everyone else and can do exactly what they can do. He gets extremely offended when we dare to treat him differently than the big kids. Unfortunately, he is too small to ride in a forward facing booster seat, doesn't understand the danger of walking into the road and doesn't have the skill to drink his milk in anything more advanced other than a sippy cup. Someday...
November 16
The kids have been wanting to trade Pokemon cards with their friends after school for awhile, so I talked with the other parents and we decided if they all wore masks they could have a trading session after school on Monday. It was the highlight of Elliott's week. He kept asking if they could trade again. I don't understand the Pokemon craze, but I like that the kids are learning to take turns, prioritize, negotiate and be patient during these trading sessions.
November 17
We got a twin sized bed for Elliott to sleep in on Monday and he slept much better than he had in weeks. He has not been sleeping well over the past few months. Several times I have woken up in the night and found Elliott asleep in various locations throughout the house. I have found him on the stairs, at the foot of Will's bed, on the couch and half way under our bed. It is hard to know for certain why he is waking up and moving to new places around the house. I have been worried that it is because he is still sleeping on a toddler bad. I remember Lauren complaining a lot before we moved her out of the toddler bed and she was a year younger than Elliott is now when we got the bunk beds. Miles loves the new bed and that there is more room for him to join in on bedtime stories. Star Wars books are current favorites of both boys.
November 18
Elliott loves getting the mail. We have a great mail carrier who is very patient with Elliott as he runs out to grab our mail.
November 19
I recently read the books the Minimalist Home and More than Enough, which are about practical ways to be a minimalist. I found both to be very thought provoking. My biggest takeaway from these books is that the fastest way to improve how you feel about your home is to know what is in it. This makes perfect sense. One of my greatest desires in life is to be organized. If I was to grade my organization I would give it a solid B. Pretty good most of the time, but there are definitely times when I can't quite remember where something is or I forget about something because it is buried under something else. The easiest way to tackle this problem is to limit the amount of clutter and extra things in our house. With six people living in our house it is easy to accumulate things. I spent a lot of time Wednesday and Thursday organizing our storage room.
November 20
On Friday Presidet Nelson shared a "Message of Hope" and encouraged people to share things they were grateful for on social media. This is not normally the type of think I like to participate in, but I had just taken this picture of Elliott and was feeling so grateful for how much he has matured over the past few months and felt moved to share. This is what I posted on my social media: Elliott has matured so much this year. This is his second year of attending preschool. Last year he had some anxieties that he has almost completely outgrown. He now attends preschool with our neighbor (Blaise) a few days a week and we carpool, which saves me so much driving time and preserves Miles’ nap. I’m grateful that given time we can all work to overcome our challenges, and for neighbors that share the load of parenting.
November 21
We spent a lot of time Saturday morning cleaning up the leaves in our yard while the kids took turns helping and playing. It was sunny, cold and windy and I thought the outfit Lauren picked out reflected that well. Ear muffs for wind, shorts because in the sun when the wind wasn't blowing it felt pretty nice, and the fleece jacket because it was quite cold when the wind was blowing. Fall weather is a real treat! We spent the afternoon watching BYU football and playing games.