Sunday, October 20, 2019

2019 :: week 42

October 13
Elliott and I went for a walk Sunday afternoon. I took some pictures of him on my new iphone 11 to see what the camera was like. My phone had been acting weird for several weeks before basically quitting on me at the beginning of the month. It was acting like a tablet--I could send texts when I was connected to wifi, but the cellular part of my phone, the part that makes it a "phone" would only work sporadically. When we were in Mexico Anthony's friend Tony offered to get anyone an apple phone with his employee discount so I finally bit the bullet and bought a new one.

October 14
Lauren's friend Theo got a new puppy and the kids at the park were enjoying playing with him at the park after school. My kids say they really want to get a pet, but I don't think any of us are ready for that.

October 15
Anthony was in Miami for the week at the annual ICE conference. I made the kids take a walk with me after dinner. It feels like fall and I like it!

October 16
I spend so much time driving. On this day I drove Elliott to and from school, picked Will up from Math Club and dropped Lauren off at soccer practice. It is a good thing I like our van. Poor Miles is so patient with the amount of time he spends in his car seat.
October 17
I love history and US history is one of my favorite areas to learn about. I have been listening to Accidental Presidents through audible and am enjoying it so much I am looking for mindless tasks to do so I can listen more.

October 18
I never know exactly how Elliott gets into something, but his current "thing" is Mookie Betts of the Boston Red Sox. He asks me to paint eye black on his cheeks, puts his Red Sox hat on, grabs and bat and suddenly he is "transformed." He requests Mookie Betts highlight reels on youtube over and over. He decided he wanted to dress up as Mookie for Halloween so I ordered a shirt for him to wear. He put it on the moment we opened it.

October 19
Miles and I took a walk Saturday evening. I am still having a hard time wrapping my brain around the fact that I have four kids. He is such a good-natured little guy and I love him so much.

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