Sunday, October 20, 2019

2019 :: week 42

October 13
Elliott and I took a walk around the block Sunday afternoon and I tried out the camera on my new phone. I got an iphone 11 after my phone started to randomly stop working a few weeks ago. It was essentially a tablet--only occasionally allowing me to make calls. Anthony's friend Tony works for Apple and when we were in Mexico he offered to get me a phone with his employee discount. I finally bit the bullet and got one. It is so much money, but also so hard to be without a functioning phone. The nicer camera is a bonus.

October 14
We have settled into a pretty nice weekday routine. We play at the park for about an hour after school each day. I like to head home around four so I can have a few minutes to think before I start making dinner. It is nice that so many friends come to the park. Several of our friends have dogs they bring as well. Lauren's classmates Sammy and Theo both have puppys and the kids were fascinated with them and how playful they are. The boys were nice to let the girls take turns with the leashes.
October 15
Anthony headed to Miami for the annual ICE conference. I made the kids take an after dinner walk with me. The weather is starting to really cool off and you can feel fall in the air.

October 16
I spend so much time in our van these days. Driving Elliott to preschool, picking up Will from Math Club and taking Lauren to soccer were my destinations today. Miles is a patient baby, logging many more hours in his car seat than I'm sure he'd prefer.

October 17
I have been listening to the book Accidental Presidents by Jared Cohen this past week and I am obsessed. I have been looking for more chores and mindless things to do so I can keep listening. I have always loved history and been especially fond of learning about US presidents and this book has so much interesting information.

October 18
Elliott's current obsession is Mookie Betts of the Boston Red Sox. He had been telling me for at least a month that he wanted to be Slugger for Halloween, but then a few weeks ago he changed his mind to Mookie Betts. I'm not sure what triggered the Mookie fever, but he all in on Mookie, or Mook as he calls him. I ordered him a shirt for his costume and he put it on right away.

October 19
Miles was a bit irritable all day, so I finally took him for a walk after dinner. It is hard being the baby in a busy family, and he does a pretty good job of putting up with us. When I think back to how I scheduled my days around Will's naps I feel a little guilty at how things are for Miles. I regularly lay Miles down to take naps when I know he isn't quite tired enough to really want to sleep, but know that the window of opportunity is short before we have to pick up Elliott from school or drive an older sibling to practice.

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