October 6 |
We spent a majority of the day watching General Conference. The kids built a "fort" on the side of our house using the steps to our garage and various material they foraged from the back yard. It was actually pretty impressive. I love watching them be creative together.
October 7 |
One of the many cool things about playing at the park after school is the mixing of ages. In this picture there are girls from 4th grade, 2nd grade, 1st grade and kindergarten playing together. These girls carried this stick around the park for a good 15 minutes. Who knows what they were doing, but they were getting along and having fun, so I'll take it.
October8 |
Our windshield wipers were in a bad way. I bought new ones at Costco and attempted to change them myself. Thanks to the magic of youtube (and a little help from Stevie) I was able to do it!
October 9 |
I came across this idea in the book I was reading (
The Behavior Gap) and thought it was worth remembering so I snapped a picture. "We often resist simple solutions because they require us to change our behavior...We'd rather look for a magic bullet: something to save us from the day-to-day grind of simply doing the work that needs doing."
October 10 |
The older Miles gets the more I think he reminds me of Lauren as a baby. Her baby pictures really look like him. She sure loves him, and is a devoted big sister. She helps me get him going in the morning and dotes on him after school and in the evenings.
October 11 |
I love this kid. And he loves to cuddle with me. The kids were off of school Friday so we had a mostly quiet day at home.
October 12 |
On Saturday I went to a lecture at the library given by Helaine Olsen, author of
The Index Card. She talked about women and their relationship with money. She didn't say much that I didn't already know, but it was exciting to hear about topics I am extremely interested in. Now that I am coming out of the newborn fog I am looking for ways to get more engaged in the community and involved in family finances and education.
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