October 20 |
Memaw and Pepaw have been traveling for the better part of the past two weeks, first to Idaho, then Utah. They arrived back home on Saturday night just in time to help us celebrate Lauren's birthday. In honor of her birthday they let Lauren plan the menu for Sunday dinner and she choose spaghetti, garlic bread and salad. Aunt Emily is always a big help with Miles. He loved smiling at the man in the mirror while Emily was holding him.
October 21 |
Happy Birthday, Lauren! Lauren is an wonderful person, and each year we get to spend with her is better than the last. Lauren is a thoughtful friend, nurturing leader and creative playmate. She works hard to achieve her goals--like skipping bars while crossing the monkey bars--and has the calluses on her hands to prove it! She is a bright light in our family and we are so grateful to have her. After school Memaw picked her up and took her on a special shopping trip to Target. Post shopping trip we had Memaw and Pepaw and the Wilsons over for dinner and doughuts. We had a great day celebrating our favorite daughter.
October 22 |
The happiest part of my Tuesday was that Miles slept great in his own room! Due to a mix of procrastination and struggle to rearrange the bedrooms, Miles has been cohabitating with his parents for the past 7 months. I was beyond ready for a change, but finding a spot for Elliott proved to be difficult. He is going through a difficult-to-share-a-room-with phase. It's hard to articulate what makes him such an undesirable roommate, but it seems to boil down to the facts that he wakes up earl and likes to play with the toys his siblings don't want him to touch. Will and Elliott are temporarily sharing a room until we think Elliott and Miles can share. This seems to be the best solution because Will is also an early riser and has fewer tiny things for Elliott to explore.
October 23 |
Lauren had her final practice of the season, and keeping with tradition the Pink Thunder girls hosted a scrimmage against parents and siblings. Anthony, Will and Elliott got in on the action. Elliott held his own and even got to throw the ball in at one point. Lauren grew a lot as an athlete and soccer player this season, and I genuinely enjoyed watching her play.
October 25 |
Papa and Nana arrived Wednesday afternoon and brought with them a box of Anthony's old baseball cards. To say that Elliott has LOVED going through them has been an understatement. He doesn't know who most of the players are, but he can recognize most of the team logos and he likes organizing them into piles by team.
October 25 |
Friday the kids were off school and Papa and Nana took the older three kids to Science City. While they were getting their science on, Miles and I ran a few baptism related errands. That evening the kids got dressed up in their Halloween finest and we went to the OPC trunk or treat. Will was Whit Merrifield, compelte with dark eyebrows and goatee. Elliott was Mookie Betts, complete with eye black and gold chain. Lauren was a jaguar and painted her nose and whiskers on by herself. Miles was a zebra. On Saturday evening we went to our ward trunk or treat. At that event Anthony, Miles and I dressed up as Napoleon Dynamite characters. Anthony was Napoleon, I was Rex Kwan Do and Miles was Tina the llama.
October 26 |
Saturday morning Lauren Jean John was baptized by her father, Anthony. It was a beautiful service that reminded me of how very blessed I am. Lauren is a planner and she planned a program full of females. Two of her maternal aunts (Laura and Emily) served as witnesses and both grandmothers spoke (Memaw on baptism and Nana on Holy Ghost). She invited several of her friends from school and was very pleased that most of them came. I felt very loved as the room filled up with our friends and neighbors. Both times my children have received the Holy Ghost I have been struck by what seems to me to be a symbol of protection when they are surrounded by righteous men who love and care for them. I hope the covenant that Lauren made this day along with the companionship of the Holy Ghost will help her make wise choices in life and protect her from the pain and sorrow of sin. She is naturally very nurturing and has been doing many of the things that she has now covenanted to do--she keeps the commandments, sets a good example and is compassionate with others.