Sunday, May 27, 2018

Will J :: End of 2nd Grade Interview

Who was your teacher? Mrs. Martin
What did you like about Mrs. Martin? That she was funny and nice. She used puns a lot. When she makes a mistake she blows a raspberry.

What did you like about "specials?" Tell me something about each one. P.E. and music were my favorites, but I also liked art. Library was meh. In library we did projects and read books and a little bit of coding, which was really fun. I liked using my energy in P.E. The games we played were fun, like Zookeeper and Sharks. In Zookeeper there are four hula hoops and Mr. Stanley divides the kids into three groups of animals. There is usually one empty hoop and the kids run to the empty hoop. The zookeeper stands in the middle and calls one group of kids (animals) to the empty hoop and tries to tag them as they pass. If you get tagged you become a zookeeper too.  In Sharks he puts a parachute out and kids hold it like they are sleeping (just their head is sticking out. Two kids are sharks and they go under the parachute and try to grab the feet of the sleeping kids. If the shark gets you the kid yells, "help!" and then two lifeguards pull you back from the sharks trying to grab their feet. If the sharks successfully pulls you under you become a shark and the original shark becomes a sleeping child. In music we sang songs and we had music books where there were songs in them and sometimes we would listen to CDs. We would practice ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ta and sometimes Mr. Klem would make them funny. At art we would paint paintings and sometimes we could do free draw. We had these journals where you could draw whatever you wanted in them.

What did you do for lunch? I would buy a hot lunch one time a week and the rest of the week pack a lunch. Corn Dogs, Chicken and Waffles were my favorite days to buy. Sometimes they had fun desserts like brownies, rice krispy treats and banana bread. I also really liked the smiley face shaped fries. They were good. Kinda like McDonald's fries but without the salt. When I brought a lunch from home I usually had oranges, starbursts (or sometimes oreos), granola bar, squeezy apple sauce, Belvitas, pretzels, and roll-ups (meat and cheese wrapped in a tortilla).
Who were your best buddies? Porter was #1. Trevor, Walker, Colin, David, Jason, Ben, Liam, Eli, Barami, sometimes Gunnar, and Alex but he moved. Lotus, Delany, Emily, Madeline, Olivia, Aurora, Maleena, Nina, and Sarah were friends too.

What was your favorite subject? Math and P.E. In Math we started multiplication. I held the class record in Sprints. There are 44 problems and you get a prize if you can get all of them in one minute. I got 41--so close! Mrs. Martin used puns when teaching us math.

What were some books you read this year? Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Long Haul, Dogman, Wonder, Double Fudge (one of the funniest books ever!), many Magic Tree House books.
What did you like to do at recess? Swings with Porter, kickball, I survived (pretend it's cold and you are surviving a blizzard by finding shelter). Monkey bars was very memorable, lots of calluses and blisters on my hands.

Tell me about your field trips? We went on two field trips. My first field trip was to the zoo and my mom and my friends' moms came too. Our group was me, Mom and Elliott, Porter, Porter's mom (Melanie), Walker and Walker's mom (Laura). It was the start of my friendship with Porter and Walker. There was a sign that said "This caracal is injured," which is why this caracal was at the zoo. It made me sad that it was injured, but I was happy to see one in real life. I learned about caracals on Wild Kratts. Our second field trip was to the KU Museum of Natural History. Porter was my partner and my mom was our parent (chaperone). We ate lunch in a KU classroom and at the museum there was a lion that someone carved out of a rock and the thing I liked about it was that it said "Royals" on the bottom of it. Also, at the museum we went to another classroom and there was a KU student who talked about mammals. A mammal is a kind of animal that doesn't lay eggs, drinks milk and has hair or fur.

Did you win any awards? I received the Kindness Counts award for being nice to all my classmates. I got vanilla ice cream in the cafeteria. (His teacher also chose him to be a peer model where every Wednesday he and a few kids from his class would go to an extra class about learning to be kind)

What do you want to be when you grow up? Baseball or basketball player, scientist, maybe a zookeeper or piano player
What is your favorite song? Can I just say a bunch of Imagine Dragons songs? "It's Time," "Demons," and "Thunder."

What are you looking forward to doing this summer? Mini-Musicals (Summer School Class), my art class with Landon, Idaho, playing with friends at the pool, riding my bike.
What will you remember most about SECOND GRADE? My teacher, my friends and it was my best year yet! Especially in math.


Tina said...

Such a fun interview! thanks for sharing. That's going to be wonderful for him (and you!) to look back on some day.

Laura said...

I remember doing the ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-tas with Mr. Klehm too! Loved reading this. Will is such a good kid!