Saturday, May 26, 2018

2018 :: week 22

May 20
With the rising temperatures I haven't been going for quite as many walks. Sunday morning I was able to fit in a quick one in a quick one before Tony left. He will be performing in a octet in church next Sunday and the group has been practicing on Saturday and Sunday mornings, which means he has been leaving an hour earlier than normal. I am looking forward to it being over. 😐

May 21
My dad came to Will's baseball game Monday night. It is great living close to my parents and having them get to see the kids as they participate in their various activities.

May 22
We took advantage of a gift card and Joe's KC 99 cent kid meals (on Tuesdays) and went out to dinner.
May 23
I have loved getting to spend my days with Elliott this school year. We've had a fun year together. He is such a sweet and loving little boy. He is so inquisitive and always on the go. I love the feeling of his little arms around my neck when he gives me hugs.

May 24
Elliott has fallen in love with Paw Patrol recently. When we were at the Dollar Tree I decided to get him six "pups." He knows all their names and catchphrases, with Rubble and Chase being his favorite. We already have too much stuff, so I rarely buy new things for Elliott, but it was fun to see how pleased these silly toys made him.

May 25
Anthony and I went on a date to see the new Solo movie. My birthday is on Sunday and Matt's birthday is on Thursday, so we traded babysitting with the Wilsons so we could each go out on a birthday date. We went to an early movie, then ate some Pizzeria Locale.

May 26
Saturday was hot! We watched the Wilsons in the evening. 

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