Saturday, May 12, 2018

2018 :: week 20

May 6
The kids were looking cute and the flowers were out in full bloom so I had to try to get a picture. Of course, our 1pm start time doesn't really lend itself to good lighting so the picture was subpar.

May 7
My dad came over Monday night and we planted our garden for FHE. Afterwards we treated ourselves to fudgsicles and Pepaw let the kids and I ride around the neighborhood in the back of his truck. This year we are planting tomatoes, zucchini, squash, basil, cucumbers and peppers.

May 8
Will's friend Trevor came over after school and the kids had fun playing outside.

May 9
Elliott takes his job as helper very seriously. It doesn't matter what he is helping with, zI am trying to nurse our rosebush back to life. We over pruned it last year and it did not recover well. We cut off the dead parts and I've been soaking it a few times a week and it seems to be helping.

May 10
I went to the school and helped in Will and Lauren's classrooms for an hour each. I couldn't help but snap a picture of Will working on a math lesson. I love seeing the kids in their classrooms. They both like it when I come, but they get so shy and will hardly look at me.

May 11
Lauren's class had a Parent Appreciation Program Friday afternoon. We watched a slideshow of the year's highlights, the kids sang "What a Wonderful World," with some sign language, then we ate light refreshments and went through a binder of what they accomplished throughout the year. It was sweet and fun to see how much the kids had grown.

May 12
We worked very hard in the fall to get new grass growing under the west side of our yard. The huge tree in our front yard provides a lot of shade and makes it hard for the grass to thrive. We verticut the lawn and then put out new seed and watered it twice a day for about 2 months. It is so rewarding to see that it actually worked. Now that the weather is nicer I am spending a lot of time working in our yard, and I am finding that I like it. Also in this picture, Elliott is walking towards our neighbor's cat. He loves that cat and will wander off whenever he sees him.

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