Saturday, March 31, 2018

2018 :: week 14

March 25
Nursery has been a lot more of a grind since 2018 started for a variety of reasons. First, I was working by myself with last-minute subs for a few weeks after one of the other nursery workers moved unexpectedly and the other had a baby three weeks early. Next, we lost all the older kids. Elliott is our second oldest at 2.5, and three of the eight started nursery in December or later, so we are working with a very young crew that has very little experience being away from their parents. None of the kids are potty trained and a few never speak to us, which makes it a lot harder to do lessons and activities. I didn't realize how much I looked forward to our walk around the building until it became obvious after two terrible attempts that these kids just aren't ready for that much freedom. Also, nursery starts at 2:10pm, and on any other day of the week ALL the kids would be in their beds napping. Now that two new ladies I really like working with have been called things are starting to look up.

March 26
Will's love language is quality time. Monday night after dinner but before FHE the two of us took a walk together. The best conversations I ever have with Will happen while we are out walking together. I love that he still holds my hand, it won't be long before he won't want to anymore.

March 27
On Tuesday morning I volunteered to help in Miss Ringgenberg's classroom for a few hours. She asked me to put together their "Kindergarten Binders." The binders are a compilation of the best work the kids did throughout the year. She had asked some 'upper classmen" aka 6th graders to hole punch a lot of the papers to speed things up, but they didn't do a stellar job. I ended up having to re-punch a lot of the holes making it take longer than I thought. I still enjoyed seeing the work the kids have done this year. This school year is really flying by!

March 28
Lauren had her first soccer practice Wednesday evening. Her team decided to be known as the "Pink Thunder," and has adopted the Imagine Dragons song "Thunder" as their team song. The girls had fun learning the most basic elements of soccer. There are eight girls on the team--3 from her kindergarten class and 5 from another class at her school. Several are also Girl Scouts, so it's a group that she will interact with a lot.

March 29
The kindergarten music program was Thursday evening. The kids sang a set of eight songs, many of which Will's class sang when he was in kindergarten. Mr. Klemm is the music teacher at OPC and many moons ago he was the music teacher at Dorothy Moody and taught my two youngest sisters.

March 30
In honor of my Grandpa Crane's birthday (March 29, 1905) my extended family tries to "March to the temple" and attend the temple at least once during the month. Anthony and I barely squeaked it in, but we did it!

March 31
Elliott's chore is putting away the cutlery. He takes his job very seriously and has started doing a much more accurate job since we started bringing the stool in so he could see better. We did a lot of work around the house in the morning and also listened to General Conference. That evening Anthony went to the Priesthood session and the kids and I met the Throssels at Chick-fil-A for dinner.

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