March 18 |
Will's Sacrament Meeting Art. For the past few weeks he has been drawing pictures that coordinate with the theme of a his favorite songs.
March 19 |
For our FHE activity we took a walk up to the school to play kickball. Will's first playground sport love is kickball. Due to some poor sportsmanship by some of his classmates he stopped playing for awhile. Now the troublemaker prefers to play soccer, so kickball has become an option again and Will wanted to work on perfecting his kick.
March 20 |
It was a gray, chilly day, but we didn't let that stop us from getting free cones at Dairy Queen Tuesday afternoon. The Ules, Kanaks and Steiners joined us, which made it extra fun.
March 21 |
I love my little shadow. Elliott is my buddy and we have fun together while the big kids are at school and dad is at work.
March 22 |
Thursday was the warmest day of the week and the kids played outside for several hours after school. Will was on the hunt for any bug, grub or worm he could find. Ew. The kids have set up a "fort" on the garage steps located on the side of our house. They have collected pinecones, rocks, leaves, sweet gum balls and other organic materials and have organized them in a pretty impressive fashion. Even Elliott is in on the collecting. I love seeing them collaborate and their imaginations at work.
March 23 |
My friend Brittny organized a "Pay it Forward" sale. Ward members purged their homes of things they didn't want or need and then anyone was welcome to "shop" and take other things home for free. We donated some clothes. I had planned on going through our toys over spring break but then ended up having so much going on I didn't get to it. The kids found a few treasures when we dropped out stuff off Friday night. Will picked out a few books and a pair of roller skates and Lauren got a unicorn stuffed animal.
March 24 |
Lauren and I went on a date to the Matt Ross pool Saturday afternoon. We went down the slide, chased each other in the lazy river, soaked in the hot tub, and used kick boards in the lap pool. We had a lot of fun together, but she did tell me she wished Will had come too. Those two are developing a really fun friendship this year.
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