April 1 |
It was an unconventional Easter being that it was also General Conference weekend and freezing cold. It snowed in the afternoon! We had a quiet morning and the kids ate their weight in sugar for breakfast. Our Easter Bunny leaves a basket of eggs for Tony to hide and he hid them while the kids were eating cinnamon rolls. It was our fastest hunt yet. The kids are figuring out the spots and the cold motivated them to work very quickly. We spent the afternoon watching Conference and then had an Easter Dinner with my parents and the Wilsons. We brought homemade rolls and green beans casserole, our usual. On our drive home from my parent's house Lauren managed to hit Will in the mouth and knock out a loose tooth. Conference was great. It is becoming more apparent to me that when I feel the spirit I feel energized.
April 2 |
The kids had a Monday off school (and with Friday off the week before making it a 4 day weekend). They have had a lot of time off lately, between spring break and the various unexpected inclimate weather days. I usually try to have an activity planned, but we just treated Monday as a free day. We still did laundry and I went to the gym, but I just let the kids do whatever they felt like. They watched
The Prince of Egypt, played legos and pokemon and a little indoor baseball. By the end of the afternoon Will was getting a little stir-crazy. I gave him the assignment to plan FHE and he did a great job. He made assignments, asked people to do the assignments, planned a lesson and came up with some discussion questions.
April 3 |
Sometimes we call Elliott our little unicorn baby because he is so close to perfect. He's always been so cheerful, friendly, compliant, and sweet. But lately he is showing his age (2). He has become a little more opinionated and forceful about those opinions and has no qualms about communicating his displeasure. He's still pretty great, but now I'm not going to take his good times for granted.
April 4 |
The Pink Thunder had another practice Wednesday afternoon. The warm-ups were extra important because it was about 40 degrees and windy! I snapped this picture and then went and walked laps around the pond and listened to a podcast. It was much too windy to just stand around! It has been so cold this month, about twenty degrees colder than normal.
April 5 |
Thursday I got to go on a field trip with Will's second grade class to the Natural History Museum at KU in Lawrence. I carpooled over with some other moms and then toured the museum with Will and his friend Porter. All the hours that Will has spent reading books about animals and watching Wild Kratts have clearly paid off because he was able to correctly identify almost every animal and back up his guess with facts. My favorite moment of the trip was when another kid told Will he had incorrectly identified an animal as a tapir and Will just shrugged it off. When we went over and looked at the plaque and saw that it was in fact a tapir Will started listing similarities between tapirs and anteaters and why it would be so easy to confuse them instead of saying, "I told you so!" like I would have done if I was him. I was a proud mom.
April 6 |
Friday night Anthony put together a shelf while we watched World War 2 in color on Netflix. We lead a pretty exciting life. Anthony worked from home on Thursday while our front room and entryway were painted. We hired painters because the walls are so high and hard to reach in part. It isn't a huge change--we went from a Johnson County beige to greige with blue undertones. I can tell the difference the most when we get lots of bright natural light. I love it! And as with any home project, as soon as we cross one thing off I am itching to do something else. If only time and money restraints weren't around to hold me back.
April 7 |
Our Saturdays have gotten so busy! Anthony had to do a few things up at the church in the morning, so he and Will left to go to the church as soon as I got home from water aerobics. Lauren and I cleaned out the toy basket and did a few light chores while the boys were gone. When the boys returned (with a box of Lamar's doughnuts!) I left to go to a baby shower for a girl in our ward. As soon as I got home we went to the Planetarium. We've been meaning to go for awhile and have free passes that expire soon. Elliott especially was captivated by the show. Captivated or scared. When we got home I went out and ran some errands (facebook marketplace meet-up to buy cleats for Lauren and filling the tank up with gas). That evening we ate dinner, went for a walk and then I left to go to a Girl's Night in honor of my friend Brittny who is moving next week.
1 comment:
I want to see a picture of your newly painted living room!
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