Sunday, January 28, 2018

2018 :: week 4

January 21
On Sunday evening Anthony hosted BYU at our house. Our primary and youth programs are pretty small, but two families with ten kids between them moved into our ward around Chistmastime. It was our most crowded BYD ever! In this picture you can also see the cased in wall. We still need to sand and paint the trim, but I am loving the look of it already. Now to decide what color to repaint the TV room and kitchen...

January 22
Lauren is in constant motion. I took this picture of her telling me about something that happened to her at school and she was moving all over the place. Elliott wanted to get in on the fun too. Anthony and Will have had basketball practice from 6-7pm most Monday nights since November. I try to have dinner ready around 5pm so we can eat as soon as Anthony gets home. Sometimes this works out better than others. Then Lauren and I get ready for FHE, practice reading and play with Elliott. I enjoy our quiet hour together.

January 23
Elliott loves our Magna Doodle. Will got it for Christmas four years ago and both Will and Lauren have enjoyed playing with it from time to time (they still do), but Elliott has already used it more this year than the ever two have ever used it. He carries it around the house and draws pictures throughout the day. I wonder if he is a budding artist?

January 24
Hop, hop, hop.  It was a nice day, so the kids spent awhile jumping outside together.  Lauren and Will have been very good about following the trampoline rules. We are only a month in but I have no regrets about the purchase. It has been great this winter for the kids to go outside, even when it is really cold, and jump for a few minutes. It seems to help them get rid of some energy, or at least chanell energy into something productive. As opposed to wrestling with each other in the front room that inevitably ends up in tears. I try to get Lauren to put her hair in a ponytail or braid while she jumps because her hair can get very tangled, but she prefers to let it fly wild and free.

January 25
Elliott and I met Emily and her boys at Scouting Park for a playdate. The boys were happy to be outside. Elliott and Tyler started out making laughing sounds of pure delight while they were swinging, but that devolved into loud fake laughs after a few minutes. Elliott has a very loud fake laugh.

January 26
In honor of Kansas' Birthday (January 29) the kindergarteners dressed up as Cowboys and Cowgirls. I'm not sure why they celebrated a few days early other than the 100th day of school was the 30th and the teachers most likely wanted to spread the fun. Coincidentally Will's class earned a pajama party, so he wore pajamas to school that day. Non-traditional school clothes for everyone!

January 27
Lauren was way overdue for a haircut. If combing out the trampoline hair taught me anything, it was that Lauren's hair tended to tangle quite a bit. And excessive tangling can be a sign of dead ends. We serendipitously received a Great Clips coupon in the mail earlier in the week. Her hair looks great, is much healthier and so much easier to comb.


Tina said...

I want to see after pictures of Lauren's hair!

Meredith said...

Is the magnadoodle picture in your front room? I want to see a picture of how that room is set up these days.