January 14 |
Because of Stake Conference we were done with church at noon (as opposed to 4pm). We wanted to have a few friends over for a dessert night, but about an hour before people were supposed to arrive Will threw up. He had been a bit restless and throughout the afternoon and it seemed like he didn't feel great. I think he was keeping his discomfort under wraps because he was very much looking forward to having people over. After he threw up and our dessert night was postponed he seemed very relieved and relaxed enough to fall asleep.
January 15 |
Will slept in on Monday, but was back to his usual cheerful self. There was no school due to Martin Luther King Day, so we didn't have to worry about him missing anything. He watched several episodes of Star Wars Rebels and drew quite a few Star Wars related pictures. Anthony was off of work and basketball practice was moved to Thursday so we had a quiet day at home with no obligations.
January 16 |
Tuesday morning we met the Throssells at Union Station so we could go to Science City together. They recently got a family pass so now we have more friends to meet up with when we go. I thought we had our little umbrella stroller in the back of the van, but we did not, so Elliott got to walk. My kids looked so grown up as they walked the halls together. I'm so grateful that Will and Lauren are so conscientious and look out for each other and Elliott.
January 17 |
Well...we survived our first Pinewood Derby. Will got the "Sportiest Design" award. He decorated his car with blue paint, white flames and a KC for the Royals. It looked good, but didn't weigh enough to win a single race. At the weigh-in we learned that Will's car was several ounces under the maximum weight. Turns out weight is important when speeding down the track. Will had a good attitude and cheered on his friends' cars, even though he was pretty disappointed by his lack of success. The saddest moment of the night was when his car was racing against another blue car and he thought for a few seconds that he had finally won a heat.
January 18 |
Elliott takes great naps. He sleeps most days from 1-3pm and gives me almost no trouble. We read a few books, usually a Clifford, Caillou or Daniel Tiger. Then he lays down on his teddy bear and I cover him up with his softee. I tell him goodnight and he responds, "Night, night, Momma."
January 19 |
Friday night was Pancake and Bingo Night at OP-C! All you can eat pancakes and bingo with White Elephant style prizes brought by the students themselves. It is actually a lot of fun. This is the first year we have attended as the past two years our ward was hosting the soup and break dinner on the same night. We had a lot of fun and both kids came home with some interesting prizes.
January 20 |
Steve Ule helped Anthony case the opening between our family room and kitchen. We've been wanting to do it for over a month, but have had various things going on on Saturdays that have made it difficult to get done. Steve is so generous. Elliott and Nicholas played for hours together in the basement. Elliott and Nicholas seem to share a language that only they can understand. It is fun to see Elliott with his buddies.
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