Saturday, February 3, 2018

2018 :: week 5

January 28
We finally got to have our dessert party Sunday night. It was cold but some of the 8 year olds went out back to jump on the tramp. We invited ten families from our ward over and five were able to come. One of our "resolutions" for 2018 is to open our home more. I am taking the initiative and inviting more friends over, we are inviting people over for dinner and we are going to have more informal gatherings. At least that's the plan. ;)

January 29
Monday evening the Maxfields skyped us over facebook messenger while we were eating dinner. Time differences can be so tricky at times. The kids had fun talking to their cousins, but even more fun playing with the effects on the screen.

January 30
I went up to Lauren's classroom and got to participate in the 100th day celebrations Tuesday morning. The teacher had several stations set up around the room manned by parent volunteers. Each station had some sort of activity having to do with 100. I was teamed up with another mom named Carrie. We led the kids in 100 exercise moves--10 squats, 10 jumping jacks, 10 hops on your left foot, 10 hops on right foot, 10 push-ups, etc. It was quite a work out! I love getting to know my kids' classmates and their parents.

January 31
I went for a quick walk before Anthony and Will left for mutual and Cub Scouts. These walks do so much for my mental health. I feel so energized and refreshed getting a little exercise and feeling the cold on my cheeks. I like to listen to relaxing music or conference talks, but lately I have been listening to BYU devotionals. I realized there was a "BYU SPEECHES" channel on the iphone podcast app and have listened to several good ones.

February 1
Elliott and I missed our usual Tuesday storytime date because I was helping in Lauren's classroom during that time. Thursday morning we had books to return so we headed over for a bit. Elliott enjoy playing with the toys more than storytime so he was in heaven. He put on a puppet show for me and impressed a librarian with his ability to identify letters. He wasn't 100% accurate, but he was pretty close.

February 2
There are many parenting things I need to do better. Inviting friends over is one of them. My kids want to have playdates all the time, but when push comes to shove I'm a bit of a homebody and would rather wait for people to invite me than to do the inviting myself. Will's buddy Trevor came over for a few hours after school Friday. They were in the same kindergarten class, but have really rekindled their friendship since being put in the same class this year.

February 3
The Ules came over for a few hours Saturday morning. Will had a midday basketball game at 12:30pm. Anthony had to wear a suit to the game because he left straight from the game to preside at a funeral. Several parents from both teams commented on Anthony's wardrobe.

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