December 24 |
We woke up to a very thin layer of snow Sunday morning and went to church wondering how long it would last. The Christmas Program took up the bulk of Sacrament Meeting. Among the musical numbers Anthony and Shaun Morris sang "In the Bleak Midwinter" and Will and Lauren sang "O Little Town of Bethlehem" with four other primary children. It was a beautiful meeting that helped put us in the Christmas spirit. With only one hour of church the afternoon felt very long. We decided to go sledding since it isn't very often your grandparents are in town AND there is snow on the ground. All three kids had a blast!
December 25 |
I sure love these little Santas, their energy and contagious excitement for life. We had a great Christmas. It was extra special to have Papa and Nana John and Uncle Matt here too. We opened presents and had a nice leisurely morning. That evening some of the Cranes and Johns met up at the church for some pick-up basketball.
December 26 |
For my mom's birthday present my dad wanted to get family photos. Thankfully my sister Melanie had the foresight to request indoor pictures. It got frigidly cold this week and was only 15 degrees during our shoot. I had to snag a picture with Anthony while we were our most put together this week. This may have been the only time we had both showered and were wearing non-elastic waisted pants all week. I got my hair cut 5 inches Saturday afternoon and am enjoying the shorter 'do.
December 27 |
Doug was a worker bee during his stay. He helped us install our new microwave, fix the loose leg on our dinner table, repair the broken seat on our glider, replace light bulbs, put together a bookshelf, assembled the new trampoline in sub-freezing temperatures(!) and made many meals. Here he is helping Anthony prepare Salmon Soup, a traditional Finnish meal.
December 28 |
Papa and Nana gave Lauren a caboodle full of art supplies for Christmas. They even went to Hobby Lobby to pick up more pipe cleaners when Lauren used up the ones that were in her kit in the first twelve hours after she opened it, making a variety of beaded bracelets. Nana, Will and Lauren worked for hours on our 'Silent Night, Holy Night' picture. Nana hurt her back while she was here and at times she preferred to stand and color the hard-to-reach areas of the poster with Will's new scented markers. They made a great team and the poster looks great!
December 29 |
Another cold day, but warmer than the even colder days at the start of the week. Papa and Uncle Matt assembled the trampoline in the morning and Lauren and Will were extremely excited to test it out. There is an enclosure, but we are going to wait until it is a little warmer to put it on. The kids enjoyed bouncing and until their fingers and toes started to freeze. Papa, Nana and Uncle Matt flew back home Friday night. We were sad to see them go, we had a great week spending time with them.
December 30 |
Happy Birthday to Memaw! Just moments after this picture was taken Leah leaned in too close to the candle and her little ponytail caught fire. It was a scary few seconds, and Will has vowed to never blow out candles again. In happier news, my mom is great and she quickly smothered the fire with her bare hand. Birthday heroics aside, we love Memaw.
two points for Linda -- putting out the fire with her hand! It was a great week and I had forgotten that among all the projects that Doug did, the microwave was probably the most frusterating (they kept putting it up, and realizing that the bracket was too high, and that kept happening over and over).
Her hair caught on fire??? That is crazy. Glad your mom is such a quick thinker.
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