Monday, December 11, 2017

2017 :: week 49

December 3
We had to be out of our house for 72 hours while our new floors were finished. The workers applied a coat of polyurethane to our floors on Saturday afternoon, then again on Monday and Tuesday mornings. During this time my parents graciously agreed to let us stay with them. On Sunday afternoon Emily came over and we took our boys for a walk. The "crazy lights house" was all decked out and we watched the lights for awhile, though it wasn't quite as exciting as when in the car because we couldn't sync up to their radio station.

December 4
I pulled the kids out of school for a mid-day family date to Tuba Christmas. My mom, Emily and her boys joined us. It was a fun way to kick of the Christmas season.

December 5
Elliott and I have regularly attended the toddler storytimes at the library this fall. The librarian Ms. Angelica does a great job of incorporating movement, rhythm and songs and I have copied several of her tactics at church with my nursery kids.

December 6
We were given the go ahead to move back in Wednesday night. Just in time too. We had a really good time staying with my parents, but we were ready to get back into our routines and sleep in our own beds again. Lauren told her teacher at school on Tuesday that she couldn't do her homework because she left it at home and "we got kicked out of our house." Luckily I had mentioned to her teacher what was going on with our floors so she could put Lauren's comment in context. Kids have such an elegant way with words.

December 7
Tony took the kids up to school early Thursday morning for some "Dudes and Donuts" time.

December 8
Both Will and Lauren stayed home from school Friday because they were running fevers and coughing. I had a to-do list full of errands that had to be put on the back burner, so that evening after dinner I went shopping and crossed a few things off the list. I had been feeling a little overwhelmed how much I needed to get done and wasn't being very attentive when I dropped a gallon of milk and it splattered everywhere. I had to stop and laugh. I am a planner, I like to be in control and don't like it when life sends me curve balls. But life if full of curveballs and it is best not to take yourself too seriously. It's way too easy to get caught up in stuff that doesn't matter and worry more about getting something done than the reason you are doing it in the first place.

December 9
Will and Lauren spent Saturday in their pajamas alternating between watching movies, playing nintendo, coloring and occasionally fighting.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I love the Santa pj top on Will especially because his belly is hanging out. I am so excited to see the after pictures of your floors.