Monday, December 11, 2017

2017 :: week 48

November 26
It has been a banner week for leaves. Apparently when it doesn't rain for over a month and then gets very windy the trees dump all their remaining leaves. You'd never be able to tell that we spent several hours cleaning our gutters and raking leaves Friday afternoon. Is there any grass under that carpet of leaves?

November 27
Lauren lost her second tooth at school Monday. She pulled it out and was very excited to receive a purple treasure chest from the nurse to safely store the tooth until she got home. She has now lost both of her bottom teeth, but there is no gap. The adult teeth have grown in and likely pushed her baby teeth out.

November 28
Tuesday afternoon the floor guys dropped off the load of lumber that will become our floors by weeks end.
November 29
Elliott has taken to carrying his toy hammer around the house and tapping the ground and walls. Monkey see, monkey do. Thursday was a busy day as we were both prepping our house for the new floors by pulling up the carpet in the family room and I was preparing to go out of town for Grandmamere's funeral.

November 30
While Elliott and I (along with Emily) were headed west for the funeral Friday afternoon and evening, the rest of the family attended the ward Christmas Party. Anthony texted me this picture without me even asking him to! The primary children acted out the nativity and Lauren was a zebra shepherd and Will was a wise man.

December 1
Saturday morning we celebrated the life of my maternal grandmother, Joan Hopwood Lebaron, known affectionately to her five granddaughters as Grandmamere. She had been suffering from the affects of Alzheimer's for the better part of a decade, so though it was sad to see her go, it was also a relief that she was no trapped in the late stages of the disease. It was a beautiful winter day in St. George and the funeral service was perfect. My mom shared some anecdotes from her mother's rather interesting life, my sisters and I sang "The Song of the Heart," and Jake sang Roger Whittaker's "The Last Farewell." 

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