Saturday, April 22, 2017

2017 :: week 16

April 16
We were lucky and got to celebrate Easter with Nana this year! Coincidentally Nana has celebrated a few holidays with us over the past few years (4th of July in 2014 and Halloween in 2015). Anthony cancelled his early meetings, but planned on arriving at church about half and hour early. I took some pictures before we left but everyone looks quite tired (because we were!). After church we had an egg hunt in our backyard. My parents had us and the Pridays over for dinner. The kids humored me for a post dinner Easter picture with both grandmothers.

April 17
I pulled Will out of school a few hours early and we went to the zoo Monday afternoon. There was a lot of security as we were walking in and then I saw a guy I thought I knew. Turns out it was Lorenzo Cain and though I know who he is, I don't really know him. The kids wanted to show Nana the Sky Safari so we quickly headed towards Africa. We did the same loops we did with Nana the first time we came to the zoo with her 17 months before when we went to the zoo for the first time after Elliott was born. We observed some fun gorilla movements and had a great time in general.

April 18
Tuesday evening Anthony and I got to take Lauren up to the school for Kindergarten Round-Up. Lauren had been looking forward to this for weeks! The kids got to do some fun activities around the school while the adults did boring things like paperwork and listen to lectures about various school policies. I am excited to see what kindergarten has in store for my Lojo. She is sensitive, smart and social. She enjoys learning about new things and has an amazing memory.

April 19
The 7-10 days when my azalea bushes are in full bloom and some of my favorite days of the year. As soon as they bloom I dread a heavy rain because that is what always gets them.

April 20
It was a busy week with lots of going back to the school after hours. Thursday as the spring Open House. We went to Will's classroom to see what he has been working on this semester. About a month ago the students worked on these name rainbows. You had to come up with a positive descriptive adjective for each letter. After much discussion Will settled on: W-Wonderful I-Inquisitive L-Lovable L-Logial I-Interesting A-Athletic M-Mighty

April 21
I met up with Bethany, Emilee and Elena for a playdate at the park Friday morning. It was chilly, but it felt good to get out of the house and visit with friends. The park was re-mulching their playground and there were several LARGE piles of mulch on the premises.

April 22
Lauren and I made a quick trip to the library Saturday afternoon so I could pick up the latest Maisie Dobbs novel. I started reading this series about three years ago. At the time there were ten novels and I devoured them pretty quickly. Each spring a new novel comes out and this is the third year I had to wait in line at the library to read it. I liked it! Maisie drives me a little crazy, but I love the setting and am keenly interested in the time period (post WWI London). Though this novel takes place in the opening days of WWII.

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