Sunday, April 2, 2017

2017 :: week 10

March 5
 Elliott has funny food habits. On Sunday he lined up his fruit before eating it. He is a big fan of fruit, especially berries (especially blueberries, raspberries and blackberries) and mandarin oranges.

March 6
Lauren channeled both her brothers Monday afternoon. It's funny how much she does look like each of them when she adopts some of their signature accessories.

March 7
Elliott is always running away from me when we're outside. Will and Lauren weren't runners, but Elliott most definitely is. He likes to know where I am, but doesn't appear to be concerned with making sure I know where he is. His friend Blaise (born 3 weeks before him) lives two houses down. Elliott especially likes to walk over to his yard.

March 8
My smiley boy. Elliott is getting to be more independent which is trying at times. The two of us spend a lot of time together and I'm grateful that for the most part he is such a happy-go-lucky little guy. Now if only those dang teeth would cut!

March 9
Our flowers bloomed extra early this year. They are usually a signal that spring has sprung and the warmer weather is here to stay. Unfortunately it looks like it is going to snow in a few days and spring break (next week!) is going to be cold and wet.

March 10
We spent several hours Friday afternoon preparing for our Spring Break trip to Omaha. We got the oil changed, did some grocery shopping and then cleaned the van inside and out. I hate how messy vehicles can get on a road trip and I've found that it is easier to keep it clean when it starts out clean. The back row of our van is Will's lair. The only time anyone besides him goes back there is if we give someone a ride. Will had a pair of socks on the seat (?!) and accidentally sucked one up with the super strong vacuum at the car wash.

March 11
Early in the week Anthony was asked to officiate a wedding when the original officiant was unable to do so. The wedding was held at the Loose Mansion in KC (kind of in between the Plaza and Children's Mercy Broadway Clinic). It was a cold and snowy night and the mansion was both cozy and beautiful. It was a heartfelt ceremony joining two families together.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I love that red dress Carrie! I also love the pics of Lauren with her brothers' signature items.